Board of Trustees Safety Presentation, June 1, 2023
Board of Trustees Safety Presentation, March 16, 2023
Board of Trustees Safety Presentation, Nov. 2, 2022
Board of Trustees Safety Presentation, Aug 18, 2022
Board of Trustees safety presentation, Jan. 10, 2019
School safety town hall and discussion, April 2018
Emergency Plan
MVWSD emergency plan
Please view the "Let's Talk: Safety" video for a general view of the District’s safety work.

Click here to view the video

Dear Parents and Staff,
Students have to be - and feel - safe in order to learn. Our District is responsible for the safety of 4,500 students and more than 600 staff members every day. The reality is there is a lot in the world that we can’t control, but we can do all that’s possible to prevent issues and be ready to act when dangerous situations arise.
Safety in MVWSD is all encompassing. It means programs for prevention, such as bike safety, mental health, disaster training, and digital citizenship. It means physical improvements, such as improved lighting, ventilation and secure campus perimeters. It also means procedures that guide our actions in times of bad air quality, dangerous intruder, COVID, earthquake, fire, etc.
In the 2022-23 school year, our district undertook a holistic view of emergency practices at all of our schools. This culminated in on-site school safety audits by a security consultant at every location. We also collected data from surveys and interviews with parents, staff and middle school students. Our Safety Advisory Task Force, with parents and staff representatives, worked to funnel all of this data into safety priorities, both long- and short-term efforts, that formed my recommendations to our Board.
In Fall 2023, we implemented both new and improved safety practices and updated our overarching comprehensive school safety plan. This plan informs and provides the framework for each of our schools’ safety plans. If you have suggestions or ideas, please contact members of your School Site Council. This group works closely with your principal to incorporate changes and suggestions into school plans.
In Fall 2024, our drills include our new, programable door locks. Front offices now have the ability to call in emergencies with the touch of a button.
Plans are only as good as the amount of practice that goes into them. We will hold staff and student trainings that are crucial for preparing us for potential crisis events. Drills (see bullets below) are an opportunity for staff and students to test our emergency response actions and make improvements.
We approach our practices with sensitivity and age-appropriate activities. In these uncertain times, it is imperative that our students and staff members know what to do to keep themselves and others safe. While talking about and practicing for these events is uncomfortable, we believe that if students know what to do, they will feel more confident, and ultimately be better equipped to react with safety in mind. We appreciate your support of these efforts.
Dr. Ayindé Rudolph, Ed.D.
Fire drill: Monthly
We practice how a building would be evacuated in the event of a fire or other emergencies, and how students are accounted for.
Earthquake drill: Annual
Students and staff members practice strategies for evacuation, accounting for students, parent-student reunification, search and rescue techniques, first aid, and school operations without power, food or water.
Active shooter/dangerous intruder practice: Annually
We practice what to do in the event of a dangerous intruder or similar event on campus.
* For elementary schools, students will view a video and have a classroom discussion. The age-appropriate “dangerous intruder” video encourages children to stay calm, listen to trusted adults and follow directions. You may preview the video below.

Dangerous intruder video for elementary students (
Click here for Spanish)
* Middle school students learn what they should do in the event of an active shooter from a presentation and by participating in a drill several days later. The training is typically held in conjunction with the Mountain View Police Department and is aligned with the protocol recommended by the Santa Clara County Police Chiefs’ Association.
For information about how parents can talk with their children about school violence, please see these resources:
Talking to Children About Violence: Tips for Parents and Teachers
Talking to your children about lockdown drills
While talking about and practicing for events like this is uncomfortable, we believe that if students know what to do, they will feel more confident, and ultimately be better equipped to react with safety in mind. If you have concerns or questions specific to your child, please contact your principal.
Here are some of the safety efforts underway:
* Safety Advisory Task Force (2022-23) with representatives from parents, staff and community to review of safety areas
* Security consultant worked with Safety Advisory Task Force on safety audit (2022-23)
* Reviewing Incident Command System to ensure it is efficient and effective
* Regular reports to the Board, families and staff
Physical safety
Measure T Bond financed safety and efficiency projects that funded:
Lighting along walkways and in parking lots
High-quality ventilation/HVAC systems that have been updated to include MERV-13 filters, which is the highest-grade filter available for our units
Perimeter fencing to secure campuses (exception, Monta Loma). Fence gate locks to be installed this winter
Door locks upgrades and keyless entry
Programs and prevention
* Mental health services provided by in-school counseling and Pacific Clinics (formerly Uplift), and on the Castro Elementary Campus through the Wellness Center
* Guidance counselors to support students
* Project Cornerstone and Better Together programs; encourages inclusive and positive interactions between students
* Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support improves social, emotional and academic outcomes for all students
* Restorative Justice to bring students together in peer-mediated small groups to talk, ask questions, and air their grievances
* Internet safety controls on student Chromebooks through Securly
* District/Site safety committees
* Annual building checks for safety concerns
* Electronic visitor check in
* Badging, background checks and vaccinations for regular school volunteers
* Bike safety programs in person at each school
* Increased crossing guards
* Digital citizenship through CommonSense Media
* Air quality: In the case of wildfires, developed index chart and procedures for each level
* COVID Protocols for masking, cleaning, notifications and supporting sick students and staff
Staff Training and Drills/Exercises for Students and Staff
* Incident Command System
* Annual disaster drill
* Monthly fire drills
* Annual training for emergency radio operators (used during drills). Frequent emergency radio testing
* Run Hide Defend (RHD)- all staff are trained annually on county-wide protocol of RHD