Response to Instruction (RTI)

Fact sheets

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We know that every child learns differently and at his or her own pace. Over the last few years, the District has built time into the instructional day for teachers to provide students with extra academic support or challenge. This block of time, called Response to Instruction (RTI), is in place at all schools.

RTI benefits students because its data-driven instruction and regular progress monitoring help tailor instruction to what students need. RTI is not extension of core curriculum; rather exposure to different formats to increase or enhance student understanding. In the 2-3 years of its implementation, the District has seen remarkable gains as a result of its Response to Instruction (RTI) program. 

RTI and Next Generation Science

At the Elementary level*, RTI is a great structure to use to meet both our goal of Next Generation Science Standards-based, hands-on, high-quality science education for every student and provide small-group enrichment and intervention in literacy for every student. Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)  are inquiry-based, with hands-on learning components and scientific thinking practices. These standards place a greater emphasis on helping students understand the content of science, as well as the processes and practices used to apply new scientific knowledge. Your elementary school’s STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) teacher will focus on hands-on K-5 science during RTI time, while your classroom or grade level teacher provides small-group support and enrichment.

Middle Schools

* Like the elementary schools, each student in middle school has his or her individual learning needs supported through intervention or enrichment.  The structure of how and when this happens at the middle school level is different than elementary. Rather than engaging in differentiated instruction through the STEAM design, students at the middle schools are scheduled for one period dedicated to supporting the student’s specific learning needs through intervention or extension/enrichment. Our middle schools use data to determine student groups, student needs and progress toward mastery of essential skills and core content standards.


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