5141.33 AR - Head Lice

Students - AR 5141.33
Reviewed April 4, 2013

Head Lice

School employees shall report all cases of head lice to the school office as soon as possible. The district health staff or school office personnel shall examine the student and other students who are siblings of the affected student or members of the same household as soon as possible.

If a student is found with active, adult head lice, the students will be sent to the office, and:

  • Parents are to be immediately contacted
  • The student will be excluded from school in order to receive proper treatment.
  • Reasonable precautions should be taken to minimize the risk of transmission to others; provided, however, that the student shall not be identified to other students, staff or parents as having head lice.

In order for the student to return to school:

  • The parent shall contact the school office to schedule an appointment for a readmission check.
  • A parent must accompany their child to school for such a readmission check.
  • Students will be readmitted to school ONLY after they have been checked by district health staff or school office personnel and have found to be free of live lice.
  • If live lice are present the student will NOT be readmitted to school.

Classroom checks will be done at the discretion of school health staff or school administration.


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