5121 AR - Grades/Evaluation of Student Achievement

Administrative Regulation No.  5121
Regulation Approved:  November 17, 2017


The Superintendent or designee shall inform teachers of the district’s policy regarding grading, including expectation that grades shall be based on factor that directly measure students’ knowledge and skills in the content area and shall not include nonacademic factors.

Report cards displaying students’ grades in each subject or course shall be distributed to parents/guardians at the end of each grading period.  Parents/guardians shall be offered an opportunity to meet with their child’s teacher(s) to discuss the grades and strategies to improve their child’s performance.

Whenever it becomes evident to a teacher that a student is in danger of failing a course, the teacher shall arrange a conference with the student’s parent/guardian or send the parent/guardian a written report.   (Education Code 49067)

Grades for Achievement

For grades K-5, students’ level of progress in mathematics and language arts shall be reported as follows:

4 – Standard exceeded

3 – Standard met

2 – Standard nearly met

1 – Standard not met

x – Not evaluated

For Grades 6-8, grades for academic performance shall be reported for each grading period as follows:

A            (90-100%)      Excellent Achievement                     4.0 grade points

B            (80-89%)       Above Average Achievement           3.0 grade points

C            (70-79%)       Average Achievement                        2.0 grade points

D            (60-69%)       Below Average Achievement           1.0 grade points

F             (  0-59%)       Little or No Achievement                  0  grade points

I                                     Incomplete                                                    0


An Incomplete shall be given only when a student’s work is not finished by the end of the grading period because of illness or other excused absence.  If not made up within six weeks, the Incomplete will become an F.

No grade of a student participating in a physical education class may be adversely affected due to the fact that the student, because of circumstances beyond his/her control, does not wear standardized physical education apparel.  (Education Code 49066)

Effect of Absences on Grades

Teachers who choose to withhold class credit because of excessive unexcused absences shall so inform students and parents/guardians of such a possibility at the beginning of the school year or semester.  When a student reaches the number of unexcused absences defined as excessive in Board policy, the student and parent/guardian shall again be notified of the district’s policy regarding excessive unexcused absences/

The student and parent/guardian shall have a reasonable opportunity to explain the absences.  (Education Code 49067)

If a student receives a failing grade because of excessive unexcused absences, the student’s record shall specify that the grade was assigned because of excessive unexcused absences.  (Education Code 49067)

Grades for a student in foster care shall not be lowered if the student is absent from school for any reason specified in Education Code 49069.5. 

Grade Point Average

The Superintendent or designee shall calculate each student's GPA using the grade points assigned to each letter grade in accordance with the scale described in the section “Grades for Achievement” above. The grade points for all applicable coursework shall be totaled and divided by the number of courses completed.  Pass/Fail grades shall not be included in the determination of a student’s GPA.


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