Board Policy No. 5117
Policy Adopted: December 19, 2024
The Governing Board recognizes that parents/guardians of students who reside within the geographic boundaries of one district may, for a variety of reasons, desire to enroll their children in a school in another district.
Interdistrict Attendance Agreements and Permits
The Board may enter into an agreement with any other school district, for a term not to exceed five school years, for the interdistrict attendance of students who are residents of the districts. (Education Code 46600)
The agreement shall specify the terms and conditions under which interdistrict attendance shall be permitted or denied. It also may contain standards agreed upon by both districts for reapplication and/or revocation of the student's permit. (Education Code 46600)
Upon receiving a permit for transfer into the district that has been approved by the student's district of residence, or upon receiving a written request from the parent/guardian of a district student who wishes to enroll in another district, the Superintendent or designee shall review the request and may approve or deny the permit subject to the terms and conditions of the interdistrict attendance agreement.
Instruction Collaboration Agreements
The Superintendent or designee may, with board approval, enter into an instruction collaboration agreement (ICA) with another school district, county office of education or charter school to offer the same or similar courses and coursework to students who have been impacted by any of the following: (Education Code 48345)
1. Disruptions or cancellations in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) classes
2. Disruptions or cancellations in dual language immersion programs
3. Teacher shortages in STEM classes or dual language immersion programs
Prior to accepting students for classes for any of the reasons specified in Items #1-3 above, the Superintendent or designee shall, with Board Approval, determine the maximum number of students that the district can accept for these purposes. The district shall accept students who apply until the district is at maximum capacity.
Students shall be admitted to this program through an unbiased process that prohibits an inquiry into, or evaluation or consideration of, whether a student should be authorized to participate in the course or coursework based upon the student's current academic or athletic performance, proficiency in English, physical condition, any of the individual characteristics specified in Education Code 200, or family income. If the number of applicants exceeds the number of seats available, the approval for participation shall be determined by a random public drawing at a regularly scheduled Board meeting. (Education Code 48345)
The Superintendent or designee shall publicly post information, including, but not limited to, applicable forms and timelines for submission pursuant to the ICA, to ensure that students and their families are aware of the opportunities to participate. (Education Code 48345)
When negotiating the ICA, the Superintendent or designee shall collaborate with the other participating LEA(s) to agree upon an appropriate shared cost structure. (Education Code 48345)
Upon parent/guardian request, the district shall provide transportation assistance to a student receiving an interdistrict transfer who is eligible for free and reduced-price meals and is the child of an active duty military parent/guardian or a victim of bullying, as defined in Education Code 46600. (Education Code 46600)
In addition, upon request of a student's parent/guardian, the Superintendent or designee may authorize transportation for any interdistrict transfer student to and from designated bus stops within the attendance area of the school that the student attends if space is available.
Legal Reference:
41020 Annual district audits
46600-46611 Interdistrict attendance agreements
48204 Residency requirements for school attendance
48300-48316 Student attendance alternatives, school district of choice program
48350-48361 Open Enrollment Act
48900 Grounds for suspension or expulsion; definition of bullying
48915 Expulsion; particular circumstances
48915.1 Expelled individuals: enrollment in another district
48918 Rules governing expulsion procedures
48980 Notice at beginning of term
52317 Regional occupational center/program, enrollment of students, interdistrict attendance
87 Ops.Cal.Atty.Gen. 132 (2004)
84 Ops.Cal.Atty.Gen. 198 (2001)
Walnut Valley Unified School District v. the Superior Court of Los Angeles County, (2011) 192 Cal.App.4th 234
Crawford v. Huntington Beach Union High School District, (2002) 98 Cal.App.4th 1275