5111 BP - Admission

Board Policy No.  5111
Policy Revised:  November 2, 2023 


The Governing Board encourages the enrollment and appropriate placement of all school-aged children in school. The Superintendent or designee shall inform parents/guardians of children entering a district school at any grade level about admission requirements and shall assist them with enrollment procedures.

The Superintendent or designee shall announce and publicize the timeline and process for registration of students at district schools. Applications for intradistrict or interdistrict enrollment shall be subject to the timelines specified in applicable Board policies and administrative regulations.

All appropriate staff shall receive training on district admission policies and procedures, including information regarding the types of documentation that can and cannot be requested.

Verification of Admission Eligibility

Before enrolling any child in a district school, the Superintendent or designee shall verify the child's age, residence within the district, immunization, and other applicable eligibility criteria specified in law, the accompanying administrative regulation, or other applicable Board policy or administrative regulation.
(cf. 5125 - Student Records)

The district shall not inquire into or request documentation of a student's social security number or the last four digits of the social security number or the citizenship or immigration status of the student or the student's family members. (Education Code 234.7, 49076.7)


However, such information may be collected when required by state or federal law or to comply with requirements for special state or federal programs. In any such situation, the information shall be collected separately from the school enrollment process and the Superintendent or designee shall explain the limited purpose for which the information is collected. Enrollment in a district school shall not be denied on the basis of any such
information of the student or the student's parents/guardians obtained by the district, or
the student's or parent/guardian's refusal to provide such information to the district.
School registration information shall list all possible means of documenting a child's age for entry into grades K-1 as authorized by Education Code 48002 or otherwise prescribed by the Board. Any alternative document allowed by the district shall be one that all persons can obtain regardless of immigration status, citizenship status, or national origin and shall not reveal information related to citizenship or immigrant status.

The Superintendent or designee shall immediately enroll a homeless student, foster youth, student who has had contact with the juvenile justice system, or a child of a military family regardless of outstanding fees or fines owed to the student's last school, lack of clothing normally required by the school, such as school uniforms, or an inability to produce previous academic, medical, or other records normally required for enrollment. (Education Code 48645.5, 48850, 48852.7, 48853.5, 49701; 42 USC
(cf. 5116.1 - Intradistrict Open Enrollment)
(cf. 5117 - Interdistrict Attendance)
(cf. 5118 - Open Enrollment Act Transfers)
(cf. 0410 - Nondiscrimination in District Programs and Activities)

Legal Reference:
46300 Computation of average daily attendance, inclusion of kindergarten and
transitional kindergarten
46600 Agreements for admission of students desiring interdistrict attendance
48000 Minimum age of admission (kindergarten)
48002 Evidence of minimum age required to enter kindergarten or first grade
48010 Minimum age of admission (first grade)
48011 Admission from kindergarten or other school; minimum age
48050-48053 Nonresidents
48200 Children between ages of 6 and 18 years (compulsory full-time education)
48350-48361 Open Enrollment Act
48850-48859 Educational placement of homeless and foster youth
49076 Access to records by persons without written consent or under judicial order
49408 Information of use in emergencies
49452.9 Health care coverage options and enrollment assistance
49700-49704 Education of children of military families
120325-120380 Education and child care facility immunization requirements
121475-121520 Tuberculosis tests for students
200 Promotion from kindergarten to first grade
201 Admission to high school
6000-6075 School attendance immunization requirements
11431-11435 McKinney Homeless Assistance Act

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