7150 AR - Site Selection and Development

Administrative Regulation No. 7150
Regulation Approved:  October 4, 2007
Revised: May 30, 2024


As part of the district’s site selection process, the Superintendent or designee shall:

Meet with appropriate local government recreation and park authorities to review all possible methods of coordinating the planning, design, and construction of new school facilities and school sites or major additions to existing school facilities and recreation and park facilities in the community.  (Education Code 35275)

Notify the appropriate local planning agency in writing and request its report and recommendations regarding the proposed site’s conformity with the adopted general plan. (Government Code 65402; Public Resources Code 21151.2)

Have the site investigated by competent personnel with regard to population trends, transportation, water supply, waste disposal facilities, utilities, traffic hazards, surface drainage conditions and other factors affecting initial and operating costs.  This investigation shall include geological and soil engineering studies to preclude locating the school on terrain that has the potential for earthquake or other geologic hazard damage.  (Education Code 17212-17212.5)

As necessary, request information necessary or useful to assess and determine the safety of a proposed school site, or an addition to an existing school site, from a person, corporation, public utility, locally publicly owned utility, or governmental agency regarding pipelines, electric transmission and distribution lines, railroads, and storage tanks in accordance with law.  (Education Code 17212.2, 17251)

Ensure that the site meets state standards for school site selection as specified in 5 CCR 14010-14012.

Ensure compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as required by law.  (Public Resources Code 21000-21178)

If the proposed site is within two miles of the air line of an airport runway or proposed runway, before acquiring title to the site, notify the California Department of Education (CDE) in writing.  (Education Code 17215)

If the proposed site is within 500 feet of the edge of the closest traffic lane of a freeway or other busy traffic corridor, conduct an air quality analysis pursuant to Health and Safety Code 44360 and Education Code 17213 and determine that the air quality at the proposed site is such that neither short-term nor long-term exposure poses significant health risks to students. (Education Code 17213)

In the selection and development of projects funded pursuant to the School Facilities Program of 1998 (Proposition 1A) as contained in Education Code 17070.10-17077.10 the Superintendent or designee shall:

Determine whether the proposed site is free of toxic contamination by ensuring that a Phase I environmental assessment and/or preliminary endangerment assessment is conducted as required by law  (Education Code 17213.1)

The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that the preliminary endangerment assessment is made available for public review and comment in accordance with Education Code 17213.1.

Annually submit a summary report of expenditures to the State Allocation Board in accordance with law  (Education Code 17076.10)

Include in the plans a hard-wired connection to a public switched telephone network or utilization of wireless technology  (Education Code 17077.10)

Establish a participation goal of at least three percent, per year, of the overall dollar amount expended each year by the district for disabled veteran business enterprises (Education Code 17076.11)

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