9240 BB - Board Development

Bylaws of the Board    
Board Bylaw No.  9240
Bylaw approved:  June 1, 2017


The Governing Board believes that the Board's ability to effectively and responsibly govern the district is essential to promoting student achievement, building positive community relations, and protecting the public interest in district schools. Board members shall be provided sufficient opportunities for professional development that helps them understand their responsibilities, stay abreast of new developments in education, and develop boardsmanship skills.

(cf. 9000 - Role of the Board)
(cf. 9005 - Governance Standards) 

The Board and/or the Superintendent or designee shall provide an orientation to newly elected or appointed Board members which includes comprehensive information regarding Board roles, policies, and procedures and the district's vision and goals, operations, and current challenges. Throughout their first term, Board members shall continue to participate in additional educational opportunities designed to assist them in understanding the principles of effective governance, including, but not limited to, information on school finance and budgets, student achievement and assessment, labor relations, community relations, program evaluation, open meeting laws (the Brown Act), conflict of interest laws, and other topics necessary to govern effectively and in compliance with law.

(cf. 9320 - Orientation)

All Board members are encouraged to continuously participate in advanced training offered by the California School Boards Association in order to reinforce boardsmanship skills and build knowledge related to key education issues. Such activities may include online courses, webinars, webcasts, and in-person attendance at workshops and conferences. In addition, workshops and consultations may be held within the district on issues that involve the entire governance team.

Funds for board training shall be budgeted annually for the Board and each Board member. In selecting appropriate activities, the Board and/or individual Board members shall consider activities that are aligned with the district's vision and goals and the needs of the Board or individual member to obtain specific knowledge and skills. The Board shall annually develop a board training calendar in order to schedule and track board training activities and to schedule opportunities for Board members to report on the activities in which they participated.

(cf. 9250 - Remuneration, Reimbursement, and Other Benefits)
(cf. 9320 - Meetings and Notices) 

Board members shall report to the Board, orally or in writing, on the board training activities they attend, for the purpose of sharing the acquired knowledge or skills with the full Board and enlarging the benefit of the activity to the Board and district.

Legal Reference:
54950-54963 The Ralph M. Brown Act, especially:
54952.2 Meeting



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