4216 BP - Probationary/Permanent Status

Classified Personnel    
Board Policy No. 4216
Policy Adopted:  December 12, 2019
Policy Revised: February 8, 2024


The Governing Board desires to employ and retain highly qualified classified personnel to support the district's educational program and operations. Newly hired classified employees shall serve a probationary period during which the Board shall determine their suitability for long-term district employment.

A probationary employee who has been employed by the district for six months or 130 days of paid service, whichever is longer, shall be classified as a permanent employee of the district. (Education Code 45113, 45301)

Permanent employees promoted to a higher classification shall be considered probationary in their new position until they have satisfactorily completed the probationary period.

Probationary employees shall receive written performance evaluations by their supervisor during the probationary period. These evaluations shall indicate whether the evaluator is satisfied or not satisfied with the employee’s ability, performance, and compatibility with the job.

The district, may without cause, dismiss an employee during the probationary period.

Permanent employees promoted to a higher classification shall be considered probationary in their new position until they have satisfactorily completed the probationary period.

A permanent employee who accepts a promotion and fails to complete the probationary period for that promotional position shall be employed in the classification from which he/she was promoted. (Education Code 45113)

This policy shall be made available to classified employees and the public. (Education Code 45113)


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