How to enroll a new MVWSD student
MVWSD enrolls students for the current year on an ongoing basis.
Open Enrollment for next year (the 2025-26 school year):
January 21 - February 7, 2025 - enrollment for students new to the District
January 21 - February 7, 2025 - enrollment for students returning to MVWSD
Frequently Asked Questions about the Registration Process
How can I learn more about how to register a new student?
Please review the information on the registration webpage, including easy to follow steps and videos, as well as important dates of information meetings.
There are several school information meetings. How do they differ and which do I have to attend?
There’s a general school meeting, followed by choice school/program specific meetings. It is recommended you attend your neighborhood school’s meeting as well as the choice school meeting, if you are interested in choice schools.
What school do I register for?
You should register your child for the school in your neighborhood. If you are unsure what school is your neighborhood school, check our residency information. You also may request to be entered into a lottery for District choice schools/programs.
What are the District choice schools and how can I find out more before I register?
MVWSD offers:
Dual Immersion (Spanish/English language) at Mistral School, 505 Escuela Ave.
PACT (project-based learning, offsite/experiential learning, and robust co-curriculars such as garden, cooking, and Arts Focus) at Stevenson School, 750 San Pierre Way.
School Information Nights are a good opportunity for new families to learn about the specific schools and/or specific programs.
How do I know what choice school is right for my child?
You should attend the school information nights and the choice school info nights. These meetings will give you an overview of the program.
When do I have to register for District choice schools?
A choice school needs to be requested at time of registration in January/February.
How many schools can I submit a registration for?
You can register your child for two schools during Open Enrollment. Your neighborhood school and one choice school.
Does the timing of when I register my child affect his/her school placement?
Parents who register students anytime within the open enrollment period are entered into the lottery at the same time for choice schools.
Am I guaranteed a spot at my neighborhood school?
There are no registration guarantees, however, completing the registration process during the open enrollment window in January/February enables your child to apply for a choice school in addition to a neighborhood school.
What if I don’t want my child to attend my neighborhood school?
You may request a choice school in addition to your neighborhood school during the open enrollment window in January/February. Choice schools are not considered neighborhood schools.
How does the school lottery work?
Students are placed in choice schools randomly after consideration of District enrollment priorities, such as whether the child has siblings attending. Please watch this video for more information.
My child is currently enrolled in Transitional Kindergarten. Do I need to schedule a new registration appointment for his/her kindergarten school year?
You will be required to complete an Online Student Intent Survey during the Open Enrollment Period in January. The survey and password will be emailed to you. Please make sure the school office has a working email on file.
Do the required immunizations and TB test need to be completed by the registration appointment?
You should submit all required immunizations and TB test/risk assessment at the time of the appointment. In accordance with SB277, parents or guardians of students in any school or child care facility, whether public or private, will no longer be allowed to submit a personal beliefs exemption. For further information and FAQs, please visit
If you have additional questions, please contact:
Student Services
*Email [email protected]
*Call 650-526-3500 x 1008 (Student Services)
*For help completing a student registration or enrollment confirmation, please make an appointment with Student Services by clicking the button below. Note: Visitors must have an appointment