Welcome to the Parent Resource page for families enrolled in the MVWSD Preschool Program!
Preschool Community News
Read our monthly newsletters and attend bi-monthly parent meetings to stay informed about program-wide news, special activity and event dates, child development tips, book suggestions, and more.
Preschool Community Meetings
Click on the date to register and join us at our next Community Meeting.
Preschool Community Newsletter
Instructional Calendars
The Preschool Program calendar is closely aligned with the school district calendar. There are several days when preschool is closed, but other school programs are open. Here are our district and preschool calendars to help you plan ahead:
2024-25 MVWSD Calendar
2024-25 Preschool Program Calendar
2025-26 MVWSD Calendar
Nutrition Services
All part-day and full-day preschool students receive snacks and meals. There are no additional fees for food service. If your child has allergies or other food restrictions, please inform the preschool office so food substitutions can be provided. Due to the ages of our students and possible exposure to dangerous allergens, students are not permitted to bring food to school without written consent. Please contact the preschool office for more information.
The menu is available on our district's Nutrition Services webpage.
Staff Contact Information
Here's a list of our preschool staff members, their site/classroom locations, and contact information.
Preschool Staff Directory
Preschool Program Information
The following resources will help you familiarize yourself with our Preschool Program policies and procedures.
Preschool Parent Orientation Video (English)
Preschool Family Handbook (English)
Preschool Parent Orientation Video (Spanish)
Preschool Family Handbook (Spanish)
Everything You Need to Know About Preschool (English/Spanish)