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MVWSD+ is our district's free afterschool and summer program for English Learners and/or socioecononmically disadvantaged students. It is part of California's Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP). “Expanded learning” means before school, after school, summer, or school break learning programs that focus on developing the academic, social, emotional, and physical needs and interests of pupils through hands-on, engaging learning experiences. It is the intent of the Legislature that expanded learning programs are pupil-centered, results-driven, include community partners, and complement, but do not replicate, learning activities during the regular school day and school year.
ELOP is authorized by Item 6100-110-0001 of the 2021–22 Budget Act (Senate Bill 129, Chapter 69, Statutes of 2021), and Assembly Bill (AB) 130, Chapter 44, Statutes of 2021, as amended by AB 167, Chapter 252, Statutes of 2021.
MVWSD+ Afterschool for the 2024-25 School Year
Qualifying students are be able to attend Right At School, YMCA, or Beyond the Bell after school clubs free of charge. These programs will support students from the end of the school day until 6pm and full-day during the following school break dates in 2024-25: 11/25, 11/26, 11/27, 1/2, 1/3, 1/6, 2/19, 2/20, 2/21, 3/21, 4/7, 4/8, 4/9, 4/10.
Please note: BTB, Right At School, or YMCA* ELOP will be closed for afterschool care on 8/13 and 8/28 due to the First Day of School and Back to School Night. Afterschool staff will be participating in staff development on those days.
Other MVWSD Summer Programs
Some students who qualify for Summer Camp may also be invited to affiliated programs such as Elevate Math, Valdes Math, or Peninsula Bridge. There are specific qualifications for each of these and more information can be obtained by contacting
[email protected].
Please contact your [email protected] or (650) 526-3500 x1061 with any questions regarding qualification or invitations.
Click here to view the MVWSD Expanded Learning Opportunities Program Plan
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Does my child qualify for the MVWSD+ program?
Your child qualifies if he/she is in grades TK through 6th grade and is:
* Socioeconomically disadvantaged
(Eligible for free or reduced price meals) OR
* Is an English Learner
Check this website for specific qualifications.
How late can my child stay for +Afterschool?
Until 6:00 p.m. each school day. Each family would be responsible for any late pickup fees.
Is there a cost?
There is currently no charge to qualifying families.
Does my child have to attend every day?
While we hope that all students attend as much as possible, we understand that they may miss some days or may need to leave early.
Where is this program?
+Aftershool takes place at each school site. +Summer Camp will take place at designated locations in the district each year.
How do I register?
You will receive an application when your child officially qualifies for the program based on their English Learner or socioeconomic status.
Can I register my student for the before school program?
The before school program is available at some schools, but requires parents to pay for those before school hours.
I received an invitation/application. Can I change my mind if I decline the program?
Yes. If you change your mind at a later time, reach out to your school. |
Who provides the activities and supervision?
We are partnering with Right At School, the YMCA, and Beyond The Bell to deliver the program at the school sites. These are experienced child care providers who are already working with our schools to
What will my child do during this program?
During +Afterschool, they will have homework assistance, social-emotional learning activities, enrichment activities, and outdoor recreation as well as a small snack. During +Summer Camp, students will participate in social-emotional learning activities, enrichment activities, arts and crafts, outdoor games, and other engaging activities. Supplemental programs may be available.
Who can pick up my child?
Our partner agencies will receive the list of adults you have designated when you registered your child for school. Children will not be released to adults who are not on this list.
How will my child get to the program at dismissal time?
Each school has procedures for students going from the classrooms to the after school programs. Students in K-2 will not go alone, and students in grades 3-5 will be trained in the procedures to go from their classroom to their afterschool room.
Is my child’s sibling automatically included in the program?
If the sibling also meets eligibility requirements and is within the same school, you’ll have the option to enroll the sibling at the same time.
Which school breaks have +Afterschool and +Summer programs?
In 2023-24, there is care available during Thanksgiving, February, Spring, and Summer break. The list of specific days are listed at the top of this webpage.