Specific Learner Task Force’s work supporting English learners and students with disabilities
The Specific Learner Task Force came together three years ago to research and implement best practices and to increase quality of programs for special education and English language learners. The group has worked to inform, communicate and collaborate with stakeholders about implementation of Strategic Plan goals that impact English language learners and students with disabilities.
The District appreciates the work these parents and educators have made toward eliminating achievement gaps for all student groups in all areas. Some of the task force group’s work included communicating about and supporting the implementation of:
* a co-teaching model with special education teachers and general education teachers at all schools;
* an evidence-based early learning language acquisition program for K-3 (Summer 2018 Expanding Language through Science model trial).
Next steps: The group has completed its purpose, but the work continues. Some of these efforts include:
* Cross training for staff members supporting English learners and special education
* Improving and revising communications with English learners and special education families
* Reviewing the alternate English-learner reclassification process
* Participating in a countywide network of districts to share best practices in the areas of English learners and special education.
2017-18 Meetings
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
Crittenden Middle School-MUR, 5:45 (dinner)-7:45pm