4161.11 AR - Industrial Accident/Illness Leave

Administrative Regulation No.  4161.11/
Reviewed: March 6, 2014


The following regulation is not intended to supersede any
provisions of collective bargaining agreements.

An eligible employee shall be entitled to a leave of absence for an industrial accident or illness arising in the course of his/her assigned duties. (Education Code 44984, 45192)

For such leave, the employee shall be granted no more than 60 working days in any one fiscal year for the same industrial accident or illness.

To be eligible for industrial accident or illness leave, a classified employee shall have served in the district continuously for at least three years.

Allowable industrial accident/illness leave shall not accumulate from year to year.  (Education Code 44984)

When an employee is absent from his/her duties because of an industrial accident or illness:  (Education Code 44984)

  1. The leave shall start on the first day of absence.
  2. During the period of absence, the employee shall be paid such portion of his/her wage or salary the award granted under state worker’s compensation laws, will not exceed his/her normal salary.
  3. The leave shall be reduced by one day for each day of authorized absence, regardless of a temporary disability indemnity award. 
  4. When the leave overlaps into the next fiscal year, the employee is entitled to only the amount of unused leave due the employee for the same illness or injury.

During any paid leave of absence, the employee shall endorse to the district any workers' compensation checks received on account of an industrial accident or illness. The Superintendent or designee shall then issue payment of the employee's normal wage or salary less any appropriate deductions, including, but not limited to, employee retirement contributions. (Education Code 44043)

Any employee receiving benefits under this leave shall, during periods of injury or illness, remain within the State of California unless the Governing Board authorizes travel outside the state. (Education Code 44984)

Absence for industrial accident or illness shall not be considered a break in service of the employee. An employee using such leave shall retain all status and benefits to which he/she would otherwise be entitled.

When available industrial accident or illness leave has been exhausted, the employee shall be so notified in writing and shall be offered an opportunity to request any additional paid or unpaid leave available to the employee. (Education Code 45192)

Upon expiration of allowable leave for an industrial accident or illness, the employee may use personal illness and injury leave provided pursuant to Education Code 44977, 44978, 44983, or 45191, as applicable, provided that such leave, when added to any continuing workers' compensation award, does not result in a payment to the employee of more than his/her full wage or salary. (Education Code 44984, 45192)

(cf. 4161.1/4361.1 - Personal Illness/Injury Leave)
(cf. 4261.1 - Personal Illness/Injury Leave)

If a certificated employee is unable to resume the duties of his/her position after exhausting all accumulated sick leave, including the consecutive five-month period provided by Education Code 44977, he/she shall, if not placed in another position, be placed on a reemployment list for a period of 24 months if he/she is a probationary employee or 39 months if he/she is a permanent employee. If the employee becomes medically able to resume duties during the period of reemployment eligibility, he/she shall be returned to employment in a position for which he/she is credentialed and qualified. (Education Code 44978.1)

If a classified employee has exhausted all available leaves of absence, paid or unpaid, and is not medically able to resume the duties of his/her position, he/she shall, if not placed in another position, be placed on a reemployment list for a period of 39 months. If he/she becomes medically able to resume duties during the period of reemployment eligibility, he/she shall be employed in a vacant position in the class of his/her previous assignment over all other candidates except those on a reemployment list established because of lack of work or lack of funds, in which case the employee shall be listed in accordance with seniority regulations. If the employee is medically released to return to duty but fails to accept an appropriate assignment, he/she shall be dismissed. (Education Code 45192)

Legal Reference:
44043 Temporary disability
44044 Temporary disability checks; waiver of endorsement to district
44977 Salary deductions during absence from duties
44978 Provisions for certificated employee sick leave
44978.1 Inability of certificated employee to return to duty; placement in another position or on reemployment list
44983 Exception to sick leave
44984 Industrial accident and illness leave, certificated employees
45191 Personal illness and injury leave, classified employees
45192 Industrial accident and illness leave, classified employees
3200-6002 Workers' compensation

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