Business and Noninstructional Operations
Board Policy No. 3550
Policy adopted: October 17, 2013
Policy reviewed: January 23, 2023
The Governing Board recognizes that adequate, nourishing food is essential to student health and well- being, development, and ability to learn. The Superintendent or designee shall develop strategies to increase students’ access to and participation in the district’s food service programs and maintain fiscal integrity of the programs in accordance with law. Food and beverages available through the district’s food services program shall:
1. Be carefully selected so as to contribute to students’ nutritional well-being and the prevention of disease
2. Meet or exceed nutrition standards specified in law
3. Be prepared in ways that will appeal to students, retain nutritive quality, and foster lifelong healthful eating habits
4. Be served in age-appropriate quantities
5. Be provided at no cost to students who request a meal
At the beginning of each school year, the Superintendent or designee shall communicate information related to the district’s food service programs to the public through available means, including, but not limited to, the district’s web site, social media, flyers, and school publications.
The district’s food service program shall give priority to serving unprocessed foods and fresh fruits and vegetables.
District schools are encouraged to establish school gardens and/or farm-to-school projects to increase the availability of safe, fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables for school meals and to support the district's nutrition education program.
To the extent possible, the school meal program shall be coordinated with the nutrition education program, instructional program for teachers, parents/guardians and food service employees, available community resources, and other related district programs.
To encourage student participation in school meal programs, schools may offer multiple choices of food items within a meal service, provided all food items meet nutrition standards and all students are given an opportunity to select any food item.
The Superintendent or designee may invite students and parents/guardians in the selection of foods of good nutritional quality for school menus.
Students shall be allowed adequate time and space to eat meals. To the extent possible, school, recess, and transportation schedules shall be designed to encourage participation in school meal programs.
The Superintendent or designee shall periodically review the adequacy of school cafeterias and facilities for food preparation and consumption.
In accordance with law, the Superintendent or designee shall develop and maintain a food safety program in order to reduce the risk of foodborne hazards at each step of the food preparation process.
The Superintendent or designee shall annually report to the Board on student participation in the district’s nutrition programs and the extent to which the district’s food services program meets state and federal nutrition standards for foods and beverages. In addition, the Superintendent or designee shall provide all necessary and available documentation required for the Administrative Review conducted by the California Department of Education (CDE) to ensure the food service program's compliance with federal requirements related to nutrition standards, meal patterns, provision of drinking water, school meal environment, food safety, and other areas as required by the CDE.
Legal Reference:
Legal Reference:
35182.5 Contracts, non-nutritious beverages
38080-38103 Cafeteria, establishment and use
45103.5 Contracts for management consulting services; restrictions
49430-49436 Pupil Nutrition, Health, and Achievement Act of 2001
49490-49494 School breakfast and lunch programs
49500-49505 School meals
49510-49520 Nutrition
49530-49536 Child Nutrition Act
49540-49546 Child care food program
49547-49548.3 Comprehensive nutrition services
49550-49561 Meals for needy students
49570 National School Lunch Act
113700-114437 California Retail Food Code
15510 Mandatory meals for needy students
15530-15535 Nutrition education
15550-15565 School lunch and breakfast programs
15566-15568 California Fresh Start Program
1751-1769h School lunch programs, including: 1751 Note Local wellness policy
1771-1791 Child nutrition, especially:
1773 School breakfast program
210.1-210.31 National School Lunch Program
220.1-220.21 National School Breakfast Program