3541.2 BP - Transportation for Students with Disabilities

Business and Noninstructional Operations
Board Policy No. 3541.2
Policy Adopted:  December 13, 2007
Revised: May 30, 2024


The Governing Board desires to meet the transportation needs of students with disabilities to enable them to benefit from special education and related services. The district shall provide appropriate transportation services for a student with disabilities when the district is the student’s district of residence and the transportation services are required by his/her individualized education program (IEP) or Section 504 accommodation plan.

The specific needs of the student shall be the primary consideration when an IEP team is determining the student's transportation needs. Considerations may include, but are not limited to, the student's health needs, travel distances, physical accessibility and safety of streets and sidewalks, accessibility of public transportation systems, midday or other transportation needs, extended-year services, and, as necessary, implementation of a behavioral intervention plan.

The Superintendent or designee shall provide IEP teams with information about district transportation services in order to assist them in making decisions as to the mode, schedule, and location of transportation services that may be available to each student with disabilities. The IEP team may communicate with district transportation staff and/or invite transportation staff to attend IEP team meetings where the student's transportation needs will be discussed.

Transportation services specified in a student’s IEP or Section 504 plan shall be provided at no cost to the student or his/her parents/guardians.

If a student whose IEP or accommodation plan specifies transportation needs is excluded from school bus transportation for any reason, such as suspension, expulsion, or other reason, the district shall provide alternative transportation at no cost to the student or parent/guardian. (Education Code 48915.5)

When contracting with a nonpublic, nonsectarian school or agency to provide special education services, the Superintendent or designee shall ensure that the contract includes general administrative and financial agreements related
to the provision of transportation services if specified in the student's IEP. (Education Code 56366)

The Superintendent or designee shall arrange transportation schedules so that students with disabilities do not spend an excessive amount of time on buses compared to other students. Arrivals and departures shall not reduce the length of the school day for these students except as may be prescribed on an individual basis.

The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that any mobile seating devices used on district buses are compatible with bus securement systems required by 49 CFR 571.222. (Education Code 56195.8)

As necessary, a student with disabilities may be accompanied on school transportation by a service animal, as defined in 28 CFR 35.104, including a specially trained guide dog, signal dog, or service dog. (Education Code 39839; Civil Code 54.1-54.2; 28 CFR 35.136)

When transportation is not specifically required by the IEP or Section 504 plan of a student with disabilities, the student shall be subject to the rules and policies regarding regular transportation offerings within the district.

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