4112.21 BP - Interns

Board Policy No. 4112.21
Policy approved:  April 6, 2017


The district may employ interns as necessary to fulfill the need for sufficient instructional staff and to provide future teachers an opportunity to link teaching theory with practice in order to meet state credentialing requirements. In addition, the district may employ teachers who already possess a preliminary or clear credential and are pursuing a credential in a different specialization as interns for positions that require such other credential.

The district may enter into partnership agreements with one or more approved teacher preparation programs sponsored by colleges or universities and/or may provide a district intern program with approval of the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC). Any intern program in which the district participates shall be aligned with the preconditions and program standards adopted by the CTC.

The Superintendent or designee shall make reasonable efforts to recruit an intern from an approved program within the region whenever a teacher with a preliminary or clear credential is not available for a position requiring certification.  (Education Code 44225.7)

The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that any intern employed by the district possesses an appropriate intern credential and is adequately prepared for the responsibilities of the position.

An intern may be assigned to provide the same service as a holder of a regular multiple subject, single subject, or education specialist credential in accordance with the authorizations and grade/age level specified on the intern credential.  (Education Code 44454, 44325, 44326, 44830.3)

An intern may be assigned to teach core academic subjects, as defined in law, if he/she meets the definition of a "highly qualified" teacher adopted by the State Board of Education.  (20 USC 6319, 7801; 5 CCR 6100-6112)

Terms of employment for interns shall be consistent with law and the district's collective bargaining agreement, as applicable.

Interns shall receive intensive, structured supervision and ongoing support by qualified personnel in order to enhance their instructional skills and knowledge. The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that district staff serving as supervisors, mentor teachers, or other support providers receive appropriate training to fulfill their responsibilities and that they maintain frequent communication with the interns they are assigned to assist.

Interns shall be provided with ongoing feedback regarding their performance and shall be formally evaluated in accordance with Board policy and the district's collective bargaining agreement.

Upon receiving notification from the Superintendent or designee that an intern has successfully completed the program, the Governing Board may recommend to the CTC that the intern be awarded a preliminary credential.  (Education Code 44328, 44468, 44830.3)

The Board shall regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the intern program(s) to determine whether changes are needed in the support and/or assignment of interns. The Board's evaluation shall be based on a report by the Superintendent or designee, including, but not limited to, data on student performance in classes taught by interns, feedback from interns and supervisors, and the number of interns who successfully complete the program and obtain general education or education specialist credentials.

Legal Reference:
300-340  English language education for immigrant children
44225  Credentials, responsibilities of Commission on Teacher Credentialing
44225.7  Priority for hiring fully prepared teacher
44253.3-44253.4  Certificate to provide services to English learners
44253.10  Qualifications to provide specially designed academic instruction in English
44259  Minimum requirements for teaching credential
44314  Diversified or liberal arts program
44321  CTC approval of intern programs
44325-44328  District interns
44339-44341  Teacher fitness
44450-44468  Teacher Education Internship Act of 1967 (university interns)
44830.3  Employing district interns
44885.5  District interns classified as probationary employees
6100-6126  No Child Left Behind teacher requirements
80021.1  Provisional internship permit
80033  Intern teaching credential
80055  Intern credential, extension for extenuating circumstances
6319  Highly qualified teachers
7801  Definitions, highly qualified teacher
7801 Note  Applicability of federal regulation defining interns as highly qualified teachers

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