4112.2 BP - Certification

Board Policy No. 4112.2
Policy Adopted June 3, 2004
Revised: May 30, 2024


The Governing Board recognizes that the district's ability to provide a high-quality educational program is dependent upon the employment of certificated staff who are adequately prepared and have demonstrated proficiency in basic skills and competency in the subject matter to be taught.

The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that persons employed to fill positions requiring certification qualifications possess the appropriate credential, permit, or other certification document from the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) and fulfill any additional state, federal, or district requirements for the position.

The Superintendent or designee shall provide assistance and support to teachers holding preliminary credentials to enable them to meet the qualifications required for the clear credential.

Priorities for Hiring Based on Unavailability of Credentialed Teacher
The Superintendent or designee shall make reasonable efforts to recruit a fully prepared teacher who is authorized in the subject or setting for each assignment or, when necessary, a fully prepared teacher serving on a local assignment option. Whenever a teacher with a clear or preliminary credential is not available, and the Board adopts a resolution that it has made reasonable efforts to recruit a fully prepared teacher for the assignment, the Superintendent or designee shall make reasonable efforts to recruit an individual for the assignment in the following order: (Education Code 44225.7)

1. A candidate who enrolls in an approved internship program in the region of the district and possesses an intern credential
2. A candidate who is scheduled to complete preliminary credential requirements within six months and who is granted a provisional internship permit (PIP) or short-term staff permit issued by CTC
The Board shall take action to approve, at an open Board meeting, a notice of its intent to employ a PIP applicant for a specific position. (5 CCR 80021.1)
3. An individual who has been granted a credential waiver by CTC
Annually, the Board shall, prior to requesting that CTC issue an emergency permit or limited assignment permit, approve a Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators. The Declaration of Need shall be approved by the Board as an action item at a regularly scheduled open Board meeting, with the entire Declaration of Need being included in the Board agenda (Education Code 44225, 44225.7; 5 CCR 80023.2, 80026, 80027, 80027.1)

The Declaration of Need shall certify that there is an insufficient number of certificated persons who meet the district's specified employment criteria for the position(s) and that the district has made reasonable efforts to recruit individuals who meet the qualifications specified in Items #1-2 above. The Declaration of Need shall also indicate the number and type of emergency permits and limited assigned permits that the district estimates it will need during the valid period of the Declaration of Need, based on the previous year's actual needs and projections of enrollment. It shall also specify each subject to be listed on the General Education Limited Assignment Single Subject Teaching Permits and the target language on Emergency Bilingual Permits. Whenever the actual number of permits needed exceeds the estimate by 10 percent, the Board shall revise and resubmit the Declaration of Need. (5 CCR 80026)

Whenever it is necessary to employ noncredentialed teachers to fill a position requiring certification qualifications, the Superintendent or designee shall provide support and guidance in accordance with law to ensure the quality of the instructional program.

National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification
The Superintendent or designee shall promote a career continuum that includes participation of district teachers in professional learning that supports their completion of advanced certification awarded by the
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS). The Superintendent or designee may coordinate a cohort of teachers through school or district programs or other available networks.

With Board approval and funding, and consistent with the collective bargaining agreement and applicable law, the Superintendent may provide an incentive program for teacher participation in NBPTS certification, which may include:
1. Defraying, subsidizing, or reimbursing the registration, certification, or maintenance fees for NBPTS certification

2. Providing bonuses, step increases, or differential pay for teachers who maintain their certification and continue to teach in the district, with priority given to teachers at Title I schools and schools serving a majority of low-income students

3. Providing substitute teachers to provide release time for participating teachers

4. Providing stipends for teacher participation that match other professional development stipends

5. Compensating mentor teachers who support other teachers' professional learning aligned to NBPTS standards

Parental Notifications
At the beginning of each school year, the Superintendent or designee shall notify the parents/guardians of each student attending a school receiving Title I funds that they may request information regarding the professional qualifications of their child's classroom teacher including, but not limited to, whether the teacher: (20 USC 6312)

1. Has met state qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction

2. Is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which state qualification or licensing criteria have been waived

3. Is teaching in the field of discipline of the teacher's certification

In addition, the Superintendent or designee shall notify parents/guardians in a timely manner whenever their child has been assigned, or has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks by, a teacher who does not meet applicable state certification or licensure requirements at the grade level and subject area to which the teacher has been assigned. (20 USC 6312)

Policy Reference Disclaimer:
These references are not intended to be part of the policy itself, nor do they indicate the basis or authority for the board to enact this policy. Instead, they are provided as additional resources for those interested in the subject matter of the policy.
State Code,
5 CCR 80001-80674.6, Commission on Teacher Credentialing
5 CCR 80001-80694, Commission on Teacher Credentialing
Ed. Code 32340-32341, Unlawful issuance of a credential
Ed. Code 35186, Complaints regarding teacher vacancy or misassignment
Ed. Code 44066, Limitations on certification requirements
Ed. Code 44200-44418, Teacher credentialing
Ed. Code 44250-44277, Credentials and assignment of teachers
Ed. Code 44300-44302, Emergency permit
Ed. Code 44325-44328, District interns
Ed. Code 44330-44355, Certificates and credentials
Ed. Code 44395, National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification Incentive Program
Ed. Code 44420-44440, Revocation and suspension of credentials
Ed. Code 44450-44468, University internship program
Ed. Code 44830-44929, Employment of certificated persons; requirement of proficiency in basic skills
Ed. Code 56060-56063, Substitute teachers in special education
Ed. Code 8295-8305, Child development program; personnel qualifications
Federal Code,
20 USC 6312, Title I local educational agency plans; notifications regarding teacher qualifications
34 CFR 200.61, Parent notification regarding teacher qualifications
Management Resources,
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Publication, Proposed Amendments to Title 5 of the California Code
of Regulations Pertaining to Subject Matter Competency, Coded Correspondence 22-06, October 21, 2022
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Publication, Proposed Amendments and Additions to Title 5 of the
California Code of Regulations Pertaining to Subject Matter Competence, Coded Correspondence 21-06,
September 20, 2021
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Publication, Assembly Bill 320: Regional Accreditation for
Coursework and Degrees Used for Certification Purposes, Credential Information Alert 22-02, March 1,
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Publication, Waiver Requests Guidebook, 2015
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Publication, Subject Matter Authorization Guideline Book,
December 2019
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Publication, Supplementary Authorization Guideline Book,
December 2019
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Publication, Hiring Hierarchy in Education Code 44225.7, Coded
Correspondence 13-01, January 30, 2013
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Publication, Approved Addition and Amendments to Title 5 of the
California Code of Regulations Pertaining to Teaching Permit for Statutory Leave (TPSL), Coded
Correspondence 16-10, Aug 23, 2016
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Publication, California Standards for the Teaching Profession
(CSTP), October 2009
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Publication, CL-667 Basic Skills Requirement
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Publication, CL-856 Provisional Internship Permit
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Publication, CL-858 Short-Term Staff Permit
Court Decision, Association of Mexican-American Educators (AMAE) et al. v. State of California and the
Commission on Teacher Credentialing (2000) 231 F.3d 572
Nat'l Board for Prof. Teaching Stds. Publication, Using Federal Funds for National Board Activities: An
Action-Planning Guide
Nat'l Board for Prof. Teaching Stds. Publication, Considerations for Using Federal Funds to Support
National Board Certification
Website, Office of Administrative Law
Website, CSBA District and County Office of Education Legal Services
Website, California Department of Education, CA NBPTS Certification Incentive Program 2021-26
Website, National Board Resource Center
Website, National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
Website, Commission on Teacher Credentialing
Website, Commission on Teacher Credentialing, Credential Information Guide (for employers' use only)
Website, CSBA
Website, U.S. Department of Education
Cross References,
0460, Local Control And Accountability Plan
0460, Local Control And Accountability Plan
1312.4, Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures
1312.4-E(1), Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures
1312.4-E(2), Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures
3580, District Records
3580, District Records
4111, Recruitment And Selection
4112, Appointment And Conditions Of Employment
4112.21, Interns
4112.21, Interns
4112.22, Staff Teaching English Learners
4112.5, Criminal Record Check
4112.5-E(1), Criminal Record Check
4112.6, Personnel Files
4113, Assignment
4113, Assignment
4114, Transfers
4117.14, Postretirement Employment
4117.3, Personnel Reduction
4119.21, Professional Standards
4119.21-E(1), Professional Standards
4121, Temporary/Substitute Personnel
4121, Temporary/Substitute Personnel
4131, Staff Development
4131.1, Teacher Support And Guidance
4131.1, Teacher Support And Guidance
4161.1, Personal Illness/Injury Leave
4161.11, Industrial Accident/Illness Leave
4161.3, Professional Leaves
4161.8, Family Care And Medical Leave
4211, Recruitment And Selection
4212.5, Criminal Record Check
4212.5-E(1), Criminal Record Check
4212.6, Personnel Files
4219.21, Professional Standards
4219.21-E(1), Professional Standards
4222, Teacher Aides/Paraprofessionals
4222, Teacher Aides/Paraprofessionals
4261.11, Industrial Accident/Illness Leave
4261.8, Family Care And Medical Leave
4311, Recruitment And Selection
4312.5, Criminal Record Check
4312.5-E(1), Criminal Record Check
4312.6, Personnel Files
4317.14, Postretirement Employment
4319.21, Professional Standards
4319.21-E(1), Professional Standards
4361.1, Personal Illness/Injury Leave
4361.11, Industrial Accident/Illness Leave
4361.8, Family Care And Medical Leave
5145.6, Parent/Guardian Notifications
5145.6-E(1), Parent/Guardian Notifications
5148, Child Care And Development
5148, Child Care And Development
5148.3, Preschool/Early Childhood Education
5148.3, Preschool/Early Childhood Education
6142.7, Physical Education And Activity
6142.7, Physical Education And Activity
6146.1, High School Graduation Requirements
6146.2, Certificate Of Proficiency/High School Equivalency
6146.2, Certificate Of Proficiency/High School Equivalency
6146.2-E(1), Certificate Of Proficiency/High School Equivalency
6158, Independent Study
6158, Independent Study
6162.51, State Academic Achievement Tests
6162.51, State Academic Achievement Tests
6163.1, Library Media Centers
6164.2, Guidance/Counseling Services
6170.1, Transitional Kindergarten
6172, Gifted And Talented Student Program
6172, Gifted And Talented Student Program
6178, Career Technical Education
6178, Career Technical Education
6178.1, Work-Based Learning
6178.1, Work-Based Learning
6183, Home And Hospital Instruction
6200, Adult Education
6200, Adult Education

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