Business and Noninstructional Operations -
Administrative Regulation No. 3515.2
Regulation Reviewed: September 2, 2010
The principal or designee may direct any person, except a student, school employee, or other person required by his/her employment to be on school grounds, to leave school grounds if: (Education Code 44810, 44811; Penal Code 415.5, 626.7, 626.8, 626.81, 626.85)
- The principal or designee has reasonable basis for concluding that the person is committing or has entered the campus with the purpose of committing an act which is likely to interfere with the peaceful conduct, discipline, good order, or administration of the school or a school activity, or with the intent of inflicting damage to any person or property.
- The person fights or challenges another person to a fight, willfully disturbs another person by loud and unreasonable noise, or uses profanity or any communication which disparages any person protected against discrimination by law or Board policy.
- The person loiters around a school without lawful business for being present or reenters a school within 72 hours after he/she was asked to leave.
- The person is required to register as a sex offender pursuant to Penal Code 290.
However, a registered sex offender may be on school grounds if he/she has a lawful purpose and written permission from the principal or designee.
- The person is a specified drug offender as defined in Penal Code 626.85.
However, a specified drug offender may be on school grounds with written permission from the principal or designee or, if he/she is a parent/guardian of a child enrolled in that school, to attend a school activity.
- The person has otherwise established a continued pattern of unauthorized entry on school grounds.
The principal or designee shall allow a parent/guardian who was previously directed to leave school grounds to reenter for the purpose of retrieving his/her child for disciplinary reasons, medical attention, or family emergencies, or with the principal or designee's prior written permission. (Penal Code 626.7, 626.85)
When directing any person to leave school premises, the principal or designee shall inform the person that he/she may be guilty of a crime if he/she:
- Fails to leave or remains after being directed to leave (Penal Code 626.7, 626.8, 626.85)
- Returns to the campus without following the school's posted registration requirements (Penal Code 626.7)
- Returns within seven days after being directed to leave (Penal Code 626.8, 626.85)
Appeal Procedure
Any person who is asked to leave a school building or grounds may appeal to the Superintendent or designee. This appeal shall be made no later than the second school day after the person has departed from the school building or grounds. After reviewing the matter with the principal or designee and the person making the appeal, the Superintendent or designee shall render his/her decision within 24 hours after the appeal is made, and this decision shall be binding. (Education Code 32211)
The decision of the Superintendent or designee may be appealed to the Governing Board. Such an appeal shall be made no later than the second school day after the Superintendent or designee has rendered his/her decision. The Board shall consider and decide the appeal at its next scheduled regular or adjourned regular public meeting. The Board's decision shall be final. (Education Code 32211)