Business and Noninstructional Operations
Board Policy No. 3311
Policy approved: April 6, 2017
Policy Revised: February 9, 2024
In order to ensure transparency and the prudent expenditure of public funds, the Board of Education (Board), Superintendent or designee shall award contracts in an objective manner and in accordance with law.
The District shall purchase equipment, materials, supplies, or services using competitive bidding when required by law and in accordance with statutory requirements for bidding and bidding procedures. In those circumstances where the law does not require competitive bidding, the Board may request that a contract be competitively bid if it is in the best interest of the district to do so.
Public works projects will be awarded consistent with this Board Policy 3311.
When the Board has determined that it is in the best interest of the district, the Board may piggyback onto the contract of another public agency or corporation to lease or purchase equipment or supplies to the extent authorized by law. (Public Contract Code 20118.)
To ensure that good value is received for funds expended, specifications shall be carefully designed and shall describe in detail the quality, delivery and service required.
To assist the district in determining whether bidders are responsible, the Board may require prequalification procedures as allowed by law and specified in administrative regulation. Prequalification of all general contractors and electrical, mechanical, and plumbing subcontractors for public projects will be done when required by law.
(cf. 9270 - Conflict of Interest)
Legal Reference
17070.10-17079.30 Leroy F. Greene School Facilities Act
17406 Lease-leaseback contract
17595 Purchase of supplies through Department of General Services
17602 Purchase of surplus property from federal agencies
38083 Purchase of perishable foodstuffs and seasonable commodities
38110-38120 Apparatus and supplies
39802 Transportation services
4217.10-4217.18 Energy conservation contracts
17070.10-17079.30 Leroy F. Greene School Facilities Act
Mountain View, California
17406 Lease-leaseback contract
17595 Purchase of supplies through Department of General Services
17602 Purchase of surplus property from federal agencies
38083 Purchase of perishable foodstuffs and seasonable commodities
38110-38120 Apparatus and supplies
39802 Transportation services
4217.10-4217.18 Energy conservation contracts
4330-4334 Preference for California-made materials
7920.000, et seq. Definition of public record
53060 Special services and advice
54201-54205 Purchase of supplies and equipment by local agencies
1102 Emergencies
2000-2002 Responsive bidders
3000-3010 Roofing projects
3400 Bids, specifications by brand or trade name not permitted
3410 United States produce and processed foods
6610 Bid visits
12200 Definitions, recycled goods, materials and supplies
20101-20103.7 Public construction projects, requirements for bidding
20103.8 Award of contracts
20107 Bidder's security
20111-20118.4 Contracting by school districts
20189 Bidder's security, earthquake relief
22002 Definition of public project
22030-22045 Alternative procedures for public projects (UPCCAA)
22050 Alternative emergency procedures
22152 Recycled product procurement