5148.3 BP - Preschool/Early Childhood Education

Board Policy No. 5148.3
Approved: February 29, 2024


The Governing Board recognizes the value of high-quality preschool experiences to enhance children's social-emotional development and acquisition of instructional knowledge, skills, and abilities. The Board desires to provide a supervised and cognitively rich learning environment designed to facilitate the transition to kindergarten for three- and four-year-old children.

The Superintendent or designee shall collaborate with the local child care and development planning council, the county office of education, other public agencies, organizations, and/or private preschool providers to assess the availability of preschool programs in the community and the extent to which the community's preschool needs are being met. The Board encourages the development of a comprehensive districtwide and/or countywide plan to increase children's access to high-quality preschool programs.

The Superintendent or designee shall provide information about preschool options in the community to parents/guardians upon request.

To receive preschool services, a child and the child's parent(s)/guardian(s) shall be required to provide evidence of residency in California. However, any person identified as experiencing homelessness shall only be required to submit a declaration that the person resides in California. (5 CCR 17745)

Preschool eligibility determinations shall be made without regard to a child's immigration status or that of the child's parent(s)/guardian(s) unless the child or the child's parent(s)/guardian(s) are under a final order of deportation from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. (5 CCR 17745)

District Preschool Programs

When the Board determines that it is feasible, the district may contract with the California Department of Education (CDE) to provide preschool services in facilities at or near district schools, either directly or through a subcontract with a public or private provider.

District preschool programs shall comply with all health and safety laws and regulations, including, when applicable, licensure requirements pursuant to 22 CCR 101156.

The Board shall approve, for the district's preschool program, a written philosophical statement, goals, and objectives that reflect the cultural and linguistic characteristics of the families to be served and address the program components specified in 5 CCR 17701-17711 and the accompanying administrative regulation. (5 CCR 17701)

The Board shall set priorities for establishing or expanding services as resources become available, giving consideration to the benefits of providing early education programs for at-risk children and/or children residing in the attendance areas of the lowest performing district schools.

Preschool classroom needs shall be addressed in the district's facilities master plan, including an assessment as to whether adequate and appropriate space exists on school sites. As necessary, the Superintendent or designee shall provide information to the Board regarding facilities financing options for preschool classrooms and/or facilities available through partnering organizations or agencies.

Because parents/guardians are essential partners in supporting the development of their children, the Superintendent or designee shall involve them in program planning.

The Superintendent or designee shall coordinate the district's preschool program, transitional kindergarten program (TK), and elementary education program to provide a developmental continuum that builds upon children's growing skills and knowledge. In order to provide families with the option of a full-day, highquality instructional program, the district may enroll children who are in a TK or kindergarten program in a California State Preschool Program (CSPP) before and/or after the regular school day.

If an early enrollment child is enrolled in the district's TK program, the district shall concurrently offer the child enrollment in the district's CSPP program, subject to available space. (Education Code 48000.15)

A child's eligibility for TK enrollment shall not impact family eligibility for a preschool or child care program. (Education Code 8205, 48000)

The district's program shall be aligned with preschool learning foundations and curriculum frameworks developed by CDE which identify the knowledge, skills, and competencies that children typically attain as they complete their first or second year of preschool. The program shall be designed to facilitate children's development in essential skills in the areas of language and literacy, mathematics, physical development, health, visual and performing arts, science, history-social science, English language development, and social-emotional development.

The Superintendent or designee shall identify dual language learners in district preschool programs, and shall collect and report related data to CDE as required by Education Code 8241.5. The district's preschool program shall include activities and services that meet the needs of dual language learners for support in the development of their home language and English. (Education Code 8203)

The district's preschool program shall serve children with exceptional needs as required by Education Code 8208. Children with exceptional needs attending any CSPP program shall be educated in the least restrictive environment in accordance with 20 USC 1412.

The district's preschool program shall provide appropriate services to support the needs of at-risk children.

To maximize the ability of children to succeed in the preschool program, the program shall support children's health through proper nutrition and physical activity and shall provide or make referrals to available health and social services as needed.

The district shall encourage volunteerism by families participating in the program and shall communicate frequently with parents/guardians of enrolled children regarding their child's progress.

The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that administrators, teachers, and paraprofessionals in district preschool programs possess the appropriate permit(s) issued by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing, meet any additional qualifications established by the Board, and participate in professional development opportunities designed to continually enhance their knowledge and skills.

Preschool admissions policies and procedures shall be in writing and available to the public. Such policies and procedures shall include criteria designating those children whose needs can be met by the program and services, the ages of children who will be accepted, program activities, any supplementary services provided, any field trip provisions, any transportation arrangements, food service provisions, and a health examination requirement. (5 CCR 17743; 22 CCR 101218.1)

The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that subsidized preschool is provided to eligible families to the extent that state and/or federal funding is available and shall establish enrollment priorities in accordance with Education Code 8208, 8210, and 8211 and 5 CCR 17746-17748.

The Superintendent or designee shall recommend strategies to link the district's preschool program with other available child care and development programs in the district or community in order to assist families whose child care needs extend beyond the length of time that the district's preschool program is offered.

The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that the plan to provide access to full-day learning programs the year before kindergarten addresses the needs of preschool children and their families as specified in Board Policy 6170.1 - Transitional Kindergarten. (Education Code 8281.5)

The Superintendent or designee shall develop and implement an annual plan of evaluation which conforms to state requirements. (5 CCR 17709-17711)

The district's uniform complaint procedures, with modifications as necessary, shall be used to investigate and resolve complaints alleging violation of applicable health or safety requirements for license-exempt programs operating under the CSPP. However, licensed programs shall refer complaints alleging health and safety violations to the California Department of Social Services. (Education Code 8212; 5 CCR 4610, 4611, 4690-4694, 17781)

The Superintendent or designee shall regularly report to the Board regarding enrollment in district preschool programs and the effectiveness of the programs in preparing preschoolers for transition into the elementary education program.

Policy Reference Disclaimer: These references are not intended to be part of the policy itself, nor do they indicate the basis or authority for the board to enact this policy. Instead, they are provided as additional resources for those interested in the subject matter of the policy.

State code 22 CCR 101151-101191, Licensing and application procedures 22 CCR 101151-101239.2, General requirements; licensed child care centers 22 CCR 101212-101231, Continuing requirements 22 CCR 101237-101239.2, Facilities and equipment 5 CCR 14001-14036, School housing 5 CCR 17700-17833, California State Preschool Program 5 CCR 17701-17711, General Program Requirements 5 CCR 17746-17748, Enrollment priorities 5 CCR 18295, Waiver of qualifications for site supervisor 5 CCR 4600-4670, Uniform complaint procedures 5 CCR 4690-4694, Complaints regarding health and safety issues in license-exempt preschool programs 5 CCR 80067, Professional Clear Early Childhood Education Specialist Instruction Credential 5 CCR 80105-80125, Commission on Teacher Credentialing; child care and development permits Ed. Code 17375, California Preschool, Transitional Kindergarten, and Full-Day Kindergarten Facilities Grant Program Ed. Code 44065, Issuance of and functions requiring credentials Ed. Code 44256, Authorization for teaching credentials Ed. Code 48000-48003, Kindergartens Ed. Code 48985, Notices to parents in language other than English Ed. Code 60910, Data for students enrolled in California State Preschool Program Ed. Code 69617, Golden State Teacher Grant Program Ed. Code 8200-8340, California State Preschool Program Ed. Code 8489-8489.1, Expulsion and suspension procedures H&S Code 120325-120380, Immunization against communicable diseases H&S Code 1596.70-1596.895, California Child Day Care Act H&S Code 1596.90-1597.21, Day care centers W&I Code 10207-10215, General provisions W&I Code 10207-10492.2, Child Care and Development Services Act W&I Code 10217-10224.5, Resource and referral programs W&I Code 10225-10234, Alternative payment programs W&I Code 10235-10238, Migrant child care and development programs W&I Code 10240-10243, General child care and development programs W&I Code 10250-10252, Family child care home education networks W&I Code 10260-10263, Child care and development services for children with special needs W&I Code 10480-10487, Local planning councils Federal Code 20 USC 1400-1482, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 20 USC 6311-6322, Title I, relative to preschool 20 USC 6391-6399, Education of migratory children 42 USC 9831-9852c, Head Start programs 42 USC 9857-9858r, Child Care and Development Block Grant 45 CFR 1301.1-1305.2, Head Start Management Resources CA Commission on Teacher Credentialing Publication, Proposed Amendments to Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations Pertaining to the PK-3 Childhood Education
Specialist Credential, Coded Correspondence 23-02, February 10, 2023 California Department of Education Publication, California State Preschool Program and Children with Disabilities (Exceptional Needs), Early Education Division Management Bulletin 23-02, February 2023 California Department of Education Publication, Part-day California State Preschool Program as an Extended Learning and Care Option, Early Education Division Management Bulletin 23-05, April 2023 California Department of Education Publication, Assessment and Reporting of Family Fees for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023–24, Early Education Division Management Bulletin 23-07, September 2023 California Department of Education Publication, Suspension and Expulsion in the California State Preschool Program, Early Education Division Management Bulletin 23-08, September 2023 California Department of Education Publication, Preschool English Learners: Principles and Practices to Promote Language, Literacy, and Learning, 2nd ed., 2009 California Department of Education Publication, California Preschool Learning Foundations California Department of Education Publication, First Class: A Guide for Early Primary Education, 1999 CSBA Publication, The Importance of Early Childhood Education Programs, September 2019 CSBA Publication, The Preschool Landscape in California and Strategies for Expansion, January 2020 U.S. Department of Education Publication, Policy Statement on Expulsion and Suspension Policies in Early Childhood Settings, 2016 Website, California Department of Education, Universal Prekindergarten, California’s Great Start Website, California Office of Administrative Law Website, California County Superintendents Educational Services Association Website, CSBA District and County Office of Education Legal Services Website, California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Website, National Institute for Early Education Research Website, California Head Start Association Website, California Preschool Instructional Network Website, Child Development Policy Institute Website, California Association for the Education of Young Children Website, First 5 California Website, California Department of Social Services Website, Cities Counties and Schools Partnership Website, CSBA Website, U.S. Department of Education Website, California Department of Education Cross References 0415, Equity 0470, COVID-19 Mitigation Plan 0500, Accountability 1240, Volunteer Assistance 1240, Volunteer Assistance 1312.3, Uniform Complaint Procedures 1312.3, Uniform Complaint Procedures 1312.3-E(1), Uniform Complaint Procedures 1312.3-E(2), Uniform Complaint Procedures 1330, Use Of School Facilities 1330, Use Of School Facilities 1330.1, Joint Use Agreements 1340, Access To District Records 1340, Access To District Records 1400, Relations Between Other Governmental Agencies And The Schools 1700, Relations Between Private Industry And The Schools 3260, Fees And Charges 3260, Fees And Charges 3280, Sale Or Lease Of District-Owned Real Property 3280, Sale Or Lease Of District-Owned Real Property 3523, Electronic Signatures 3523, Electronic Signatures 3541, Transportation Routes And Services 3550, Food Service/Child Nutrition Program 3550, Food Service/Child Nutrition Program 3580, District Records 3580, District Records 4112, Appointment And Conditions Of Employment 4112.2, Certification 4112.2, Certification 4112.4, Health Examinations 4112.5, Criminal Record Check 4112.5-E(1), Criminal Record Check 4112.6, Personnel Files 4131, Staff Development 4212.4, Health Examinations 4212.5, Criminal Record Check 4212.5-E(1), Criminal Record Check 4212.6, Personnel Files 4222, Teacher Aides/Paraprofessionals 4222, Teacher Aides/Paraprofessionals 4231, Staff Development 4312.4, Health Examinations 4312.5, Criminal Record Check 4312.5-E(1), Criminal Record Check 4312.6, Personnel Files 4331, Staff Development 5020, Parent Rights And Responsibilities 5020, Parent Rights And Responsibilities 5030, Student Wellness 5111, Admission 5111, Admission 5125, Student Records 5125, Student Records 5141.23, Asthma Management 5141.23, Asthma Management 5141.26, Tuberculosis Testing 5141.31, Immunizations 5141.31, Immunizations 5141.32, Health Screening For School Entry 5141.6, School Health Services 5141.6, School Health Services 5144.1, Suspension And Expulsion/Due Process 5144.1, Suspension And Expulsion/Due Process 5145.6, Parent/Guardian Notifications 5145.6-E(1), Parent/Guardian Notifications 5148, Child Care And Development 5148, Child Care And Development 6011, Academic Standards 6020, Parent Involvement 6020, Parent Involvement 6159, Individualized Education Program 6159, Individualized Education Program 6164.4, Identification And Evaluation Of Individuals For Special Education 6164.4, Identification And Evaluation Of Individuals For Special Education 6170.1, Transitional Kindergarten 6171, Title I Programs 6171, Title I Programs 6173, Education For Homeless Children 6173, Education For Homeless Children 6173-E(1), Education For Homeless Children 6173-E(2), Education For Homeless Children 6173.1, Education For Foster Youth 6173.1, Education For Foster Youth 6173.2, Education Of Children Of Military Families 6173.2, Education Of Children Of Military Families 6174, Education For English Learners 6174, Education For English Learners 6175, Migrant Education Program 6175, Migrant Education Program 6200, Adult Education 6200, Adult Education 7110, Facilities Master Plan 7210, Facilities Financing

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