5141.3 AR - Health Examinations

Administrative Regulation No. 5141.3
Reviewed:  November 29, 2016

HEALTH EXAMINATIONS                                                                                                                                                                     

The principal at each school shall notify parents/guardians of the rights of students and parents/guardians related to health examinations.  (Education Code 48980; 20 USC 1232h)

A parent/guardian may annually file a written statement with the principal withholding consent to the physical examination of his/her child.  Any such student shall be exempt from any physical examination but shall be subject to exclusion from attendance when contagious or infectious disease is reasonably suspected.  (Education Code 49451; 20 USC 1232h)

Vision Tests

Each student's vision shall be appraised, by the school nurse or other personnel authorized under Education Code 49452, during the kindergarten year or upon first enrollment or entry in a district elementary school and subsequently in grades 2, 5, and 8. However, a student who is tested upon first enrollment or entry in the district in grade 4 or 7 shall not be required to be appraised in the next immediate year. (Education Code 49455)

The vision appraisal shall include tests for visual acuity, including near vision. Male students shall also be tested once for color vision in grade 1 or later and the results of the appraisal shall be entered in the student's health record. (Education Code 49455)

(cf. 5125 - Student Records)

Appraisal of a student's vision may be waived under either of the following conditions: (Education Code 49455)

1.         The student's parent/guardian requests a waiver and presents a certificate from a physician/surgeon, physician assistant, or optometrist showing the results of an examination of the student's vision, including visual acuity and, in male students, color vision.

2.         The student's parents/guardians file with the principal a written statement that they adhere to the faith or teachings of any well-recognized religious sect, denomination, or organization and, in accordance with its creed, tenets, or principles depend for healing upon prayer in the practice of their religion.

Visual defects or any other defects found as a result of the vision examination shall be reported to the parent/guardian with a request that remedial action be taken to correct or cure the defect. The report of a visual defect, if made in writing, shall be made on a form prescribed by the Superintendent of Public Instruction. The report shall not include a referral to any private practitioner. However, the student may be referred to a public clinic or diagnostic and treatment center operated by a public hospital or by the state, county, or city department of public health. (Education Code 49456)

In addition to the vision appraisals described above, the school nurse and/or classroom teacher shall continually and regularly observe students' eyes, appearance, behavior, visual performance, and perception that may indicate vision difficulties. (Education Code 49455)

Hearing Tests

The Superintendent or designee shall provide for the administration of hearing tests to district students by personnel authorized to conduct such testing pursuant to Education Code 49452 and 49454 and in accordance with the procedures specified in 17 CCR 2951.

Each student shall be given a hearing screening test at the following times: (17 CCR 2951)

1. Kindergarten or grade 1

2. Grade 2

3. Grade 5

4. Grade 8

5. Grade 10 or 11

6. Upon first entry into the California public school system

Each student enrolled in a special education program, other than those enrolled because of a hearing problem, shall be given a hearing test when enrolled in the program and every third year thereafter. Hearing tests may be given more frequently as needed, based on the individualized education program team's evaluation of the student. (17 CCR 2951)

(cf. 6159 - Individualized Education Program)

A follow-up hearing threshold test shall be administered to any student who fails to respond to any of the required frequencies in the screening test or is otherwise determined to need further evaluation. (17 CCR 2951)

The Superintendent or designee shall provide written notification of test results to the parents/guardians of any student who fails the hearing tests. When the test results fall within the levels specified in 17 CCR 2951 or there is evidence of pathology, such as an infection of the outer ear, chronic drainage, or a chronic earache, the notification shall include a recommendation that a further medical and audiological evaluation be obtained. (17 CCR 2951)

The dates and results of all screening tests and copies of threshold tests shall be included in the student's health records. (17 CCR 2951)

The principal or designee shall prepare an annual report of the school hearing testing program, using forms provided by the Department of Health Services, with copies to the Superintendent and the County Superintendent of Schools. (17 CCR 2951)

Scoliosis Screening

Each female student in grade 7 and each male student in grade 8 shall be screened for scoliosis.  This screening shall comply with California Department of Education (CDE) standards and shall be performed by qualified personnel as specified in law.  (Education Code 49452.5)

The parent/guardian of any student suspected of having scoliosis shall receive a notice which includes an explanation of scoliosis and describes the significance of treatment at an early age. This notice shall also describe the public services available for treatment and include a referral to appropriate community resources. (Education Code 49452.5)

Type 2 Diabetes Information 

Because type 2 diabetes in children is a preventable and treatable disease, parents/guardians are encouraged to have their child screened by an authorized health care practitioner for risk factors of the disease, including excess weight, and to request tests of their child's blood glucose to determine if he/she has diabetes or pre-diabetes.

The Superintendent or designee shall provide parents/guardians of incoming students in grade 7 with an information sheet developed by the CDE regarding type 2 diabetes, which includes a description of the disease and its risk factors and warning signs, a recommendation that students displaying or possibly suffering from risk factors or warning signs associated with type 2 diabetes be screened for the disease, a description of the different types of diabetes screening tests available, and a description of treatments and prevention methods.  The information sheet may be provided with the parental notifications required pursuant to Education Code 48980. (Education Code 49452.7)

The Superintendent or designee may provide information to parents/guardians regarding public or private sources from which they may receive diabetes screening and education services for free or at reduced costs.


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