Board Policy 6145
Policy Adopted: September 5, 2019
Updated: September 24, 2024
The Governing Board recognizes that extracurricular and cocurricular activities enrich the educational and social development of students and enhance students' feelings of connectedness with the schools. The district shall encourage and support student participation in extracurricular and cocurricular activities without compromising the integrity and purpose of the educational program.
Prerequisites for student participation in extracurricular and cocurricular activities shall be limited to those that have been demonstrated to be essential to the success of the activity. No extracurricular or cocurricular program or activity shall be provided or conducted separately on the basis of any actual or perceived characteristic listed as a prohibited category of discrimination in state or federal law, nor shall any student's participation in an extracurricular or cocurricular activity be required or refused on those bases. (5 CCR 4925)
Any complaint alleging unlawful discrimination in the district's extracurricular or cocurricular programs or activities shall be filed in accordance with BP/AR 1312.3 - Uniform Complaint Procedures.
Unless specifically authorized by law, no student shall be charged a fee for his/her participation in educational activities, including extracurricular and cocurricular activities and materials or equipment related to such activities. (Education Code 49010, 49011)
Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible to participate in extracurricular and cocurricular activities, students in grades 7-12 must demonstrate satisfactory educational progress in the previous grading period, including, but not limited to: (Education Code 35160.5)
1. Maintenance of a minimum of 2.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale in all enrolled classes
2. Maintenance of minimum progress toward meeting high school graduation requirements
The Superintendent or designee may grant ineligible students a probationary period not to exceed one semester. Students granted probationary eligibility must meet the required standards by the end of the probationary period in order to remain eligible for participation. (Education Code 35160.5)
Any decision regarding the eligibility of a homeless student, foster youth, or child of an active duty military family for extracurricular or cocurricular activities shall be made by the Superintendent or designee in accordance with Education Code 48850 and 49701.
The Superintendent or designee may revoke a student's eligibility for participation in extracurricular and cocurricular activities when the student's poor citizenship is serious enough to warrant loss of this privilege.
Student Conduct at Extracurricular/Cocurricular Events
When attending or participating in extracurricular and cocurricular activities on or off campus, district students are subject to district policies and regulations relating to student conduct. Students who violate district policies and regulations may be subject to discipline including, but not limited to, suspension, expulsion, transfer to alternative programs, or denial of participation in extracurricular or cocurricular activities in accordance with Board policy and administrative regulation.
When appropriate, the Superintendent or designee shall notify local law enforcement.
Annual Policy Review
The Board shall annually review this policy and implementing regulations. (Education Code 35160.5)
Policy Reference Disclaimer:
These references are not intended to be part of the policy itself, nor do they indicate the basis or authority for the board to enact this policy. Instead, they are provided as additional resources for those interested in the subject matter of the policy.
State Codes:
5 CCR 350, Fees not permitted
5 CCR 4900-4965, Nondiscrimination in elementary and secondary educational programs receiving state or federal financial assistance
5 CCR 5531, Supervision of extracurricular activities of students
CA Constitution Article 9, Section 5, Common school system
Ed. Code 35145, Public meetings
Ed. Code 35160.5, Intradistrict open enrollment
Ed. Code 35179, Interscholastic athletics; associations or consortia
Ed. Code 35181, Governing board authority to set policy on responsibilities of students
Ed. Code 48850, Academic achievement of students in foster care and homeless children
Ed. Code 48930-48938, Student organizations
Ed. Code 49010-49013, Student fees
Ed. Code 49024, Activity Supervisor Clearance Certificate
Ed. Code 49700-49703, Education of children of military families
Federal Codes:
42 USC 2000h-2-2000h-6, Title IX of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Management Resources,
California Department of Education Publication, Pupil Fees, Deposits, and Other Charges, Fiscal Management Advisory 12-02, April
24, 2013
California Task Force Report to the Legislature, Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children: Preliminary Final Report, March 2009
Commission on Teacher Credentialing Publication, Information on Assembly Bill 346 Concerning the Activity Supervisor Clearance
Certificate (ASCC), Coded Correspondence 10-11, July 20, 2010
Court Decision, Hartzell v. Connell (1984) 35 Cal. 3d 899
Website, CSBA District and County Office of Education Legal Services
Website, California Association of Directors of Activities
Website, California Interscholastic Federation
Website, Commission on Teacher Credentialing
Website, CSBA
Website, California Department of Education
Cross References,
0410, Nondiscrimination In District Programs And Activities
1230, School-Connected Organizations
1230, School-Connected Organizations
1240, Volunteer Assistance
1240, Volunteer Assistance
1260, Educational Foundation
1312.3, Uniform Complaint Procedures
1312.3, Uniform Complaint Procedures
1312.3-E(1), Uniform Complaint Procedures
1312.3-E(2), Uniform Complaint Procedures
1330, Use Of School Facilities
1330, Use Of School Facilities
3260, Fees And Charges
3260, Fees And Charges
3452, Student Activity Funds
3513.4, Drug And Alcohol Free Schools
3514, Environmental Safety
3514, Environmental Safety
3554, Other Food Sales
3554, Other Food Sales
4112.5, Criminal Record Check
4112.5-E(1), Criminal Record Check
4127, Temporary Athletic Team Coaches
4127, Temporary Athletic Team Coaches
4141.6, Concerted Action/Work Stoppage
4141.6, Concerted Action/Work Stoppage
4212.5, Criminal Record Check
4212.5-E(1), Criminal Record Check
4227, Temporary Athletic Team Coaches
4227, Temporary Athletic Team Coaches
4241.6, Concerted Action/Work Stoppage
4241.6, Concerted Action/Work Stoppage
4312.5, Criminal Record Check
4312.5-E(1), Criminal Record Check
4327, Temporary Athletic Team Coaches
4327, Temporary Athletic Team Coaches
5113, Absences And Excuses
5113, Absences And Excuses
5113.11, Attendance Supervision
5121, Grades/Evaluation Of Student Achievement
5121, Grades/Evaluation Of Student Achievement
5131, Conduct
5131.1, Bus Conduct
5131.1, Bus Conduct
5137, Positive School Climate
5141.22, Infectious Diseases
5141.22, Infectious Diseases
5144, Discipline
5144, Discipline
5144.1, Suspension And Expulsion/Due Process
5144.1, Suspension And Expulsion/Due Process
5144.2, Suspension And Expulsion/Due Process (Students With Disabilities)
5145.3, Nondiscrimination/Harassment
5145.3, Nondiscrimination/Harassment
5145.7, Sex Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment
5145.7, Sex Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment
5145.71, Title IX Sex Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment Complaint Procedures
5145.71-E(1), Title IX Sex Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment Complaint Procedures
5148.2, Before/After School Programs
5148.2, Before/After School Programs
6020, Parent Involvement
6020, Parent Involvement
6142.3, Civic Education
6142.7, Physical Education And Activity
6142.7, Physical Education And Activity
6143, Courses Of Study
6143, Courses Of Study
6145.2, Athletic Competition
6145.2, Athletic Competition
6145.5, Student Organizations And Equal Access
6145.5, Student Organizations And Equal Access
6145.6, International Exchange
6145.6, International Exchange
6146.1, High School Graduation Requirements
6153, School-Sponsored Trips
6153, School-Sponsored Trips
6164.6, Identification And Education Under Section 504
6164.6, Identification And Education Under Section 504
6173, Education For Homeless Children
6173, Education For Homeless Children
6173-E(1), Education For Homeless Children
6173-E(2), Education For Homeless Children
6173.1, Education For Foster Youth
6173.1, Education For Foster Youth
6173.2, Education Of Children Of Military Families
6173.2, Education Of Children Of Military Families
6178, Career Technical Education
6178, Career Technical Education
9150, Student Board Members
9310, Board Policies