6020 AR - Parent Involvement


Administrative Regulation No. 6020

Regulation reviewed: January 23, 2024



District Strategies for Title I Schools


To ensure that parents/guardians and family members of students participating in Title I programs are provided with opportunities to be involved in their children's education, the district shall:



1.     Involve parents/guardians and family members in the joint development of a district plan that meets the requirements of 20 USC 6312 and in the development of school support and improvement plans pursuant to 20 USC 6311 (20 USC 6318)


The Superintendent or designee may:


a.      In accordance with Education Code 52063, establish a district-level parent advisory committee and, as applicable, an English learner parent advisory committee to review and comment on the district's local control and accountability plan (LCAP) in accordance with the review schedule established by the Governing Board


b.     Invite input on the plan from other district committees and school site councils


c.      Communicate with parents/guardians through the district newsletter, web site, or other methods regarding the plan and the opportunity to provide input


d.     Provide copies of working drafts of the plan to parents/guardians in an understandable and uniform format and, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents/guardians can understand


e.      Ensure that there is an opportunity at a public Board meeting for public comment on the plan prior to the Board's approval of the plan or revisions to the plan


f.      Ensure that school-level policies on parent/guardian and family engagement address the role of school site councils and other parents/guardians as appropriate in the development and review of school plans


2.     Provide coordination, technical assistance, and other support necessary to assist and build the capacity of Title I schools in planning and implementing effective parent/guardian and family engagement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance, which may include meaningful consultation with employers, business leaders, and philanthropic organizations or individuals with expertise in effectively engaging parents/guardians and family members in education (20 USC 6318)


The Superintendent or designee may:


a.     Assign district personnel to serve as a liaison to the schools regarding Title I parent/guardian and family engagement issues


b.     Identify funding and other resources, including community resources and services, that may be used to strengthen district and school parent/guardian and family engagement programs


c.     Provide training for the principal or designee of each participating school regarding Title I requirements for parent/guardian and family engagement, leadership strategies, and communication skills to assist in facilitating the planning and implementation of related activities


d.     With the assistance of parents/guardians, provide information and training to teachers and other staff regarding effective parent/guardian involvement practices and legal requirements


e.     Provide information to schools about the indicators and assessment tools that will be used to monitor progress


3.     To the extent feasible and appropriate, coordinate and integrate Title I parent/guardian and family engagement strategies with parent/guardian and family engagement strategies of other relevant federal, state, and local programs and ensure consistency with federal, state, and local laws (20 USC 6318)


The Superintendent or designee may:


a.     Identify overlapping or similar program requirements


b.     Involve district and school site representatives from other programs to assist in identifying specific population needs


c.     Schedule joint meetings with representatives from related programs and share data and information across programs


d.     Develop a cohesive, coordinated plan focused on student needs and shared goals


4.     Conduct, with meaningful involvement of parents/guardians and family members, an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the parent/guardian and family engagement policy in improving the academic quality of the schools served by Title I, including identification of: (20 USC 6318)


a.     Barriers to greater participation in parent/guardian and family engagement activities, with particular attention to parents/guardians who are economically disadvantaged, are disabled, have limited English proficiency, have limited literacy, or are of any racial or ethnic minority background


b.     The needs of parents/guardians and family members, so they can better assist with their children's learning and engage with school personnel and teachers


c.     Strategies to support successful school and family interactions

The Superintendent or designee may:

a.     Use a variety of methods, such as focus groups, surveys, and workshops, to evaluate the satisfaction of parents/guardians and staff with the quality and frequency of district communications


b.     Gather and monitor data regarding the number of parents/guardians and family members participating in district activities and the types of activities in which they are engaged


c.     Recommend to the Board measures to evaluate the impact of the district's parent/guardian and family engagement efforts on student achievement

The Superintendent or designee shall notify parents/guardians of this review and assessment through regular school communications mechanisms and shall provide a copy of the assessment to parents/guardians upon their request. (Education Code 11503)


5.     Use the findings of the evaluation conducted pursuant to item #4 above to design evidence-based strategies for more effective parent/guardian and family involvement and, if necessary, to revise the parent/guardian and family engagement policy (20 USC 6318)


The Superintendent or designee may:


a.     Analyze data from the evaluation to identify parent/guardian and family engagement activities that have been successful and those activities that have had lower participation or less meaningful involvement by parents/guardians


b.     Analyze parent/guardian and family participation to determine the level of participation by traditionally underrepresented groups


c.     With the involvement of parents/guardians, recommend and draft proposed policy revisions to submit to the Board for consideration


6.     Involve parents/guardians in the activities of schools served by Title I, which may include establishing a parent advisory board comprised of a sufficient number and representative group of parents/guardians or family members served by the district to adequately represent the needs of the population served by the district for the purposes of developing, revising, and reviewing the parent/guardian and family engagement policy (20 USC 6318)


The Superintendent or designee may:


a.     Include information about school activities in district communications to parents/guardians and family members


b.     To the extent practicable, assist schools with translation services or other accommodations needed to encourage participation of parents/guardians and family members


c.     Establish processes to encourage parent/guardian input regarding their expectations and concerns for their children

In addition, the district shall promote the effective involvement of parents/guardians and support a partnership among the school, parents/guardians, and the community to improve student achievement by implementing the actions specified in item #7 of the section "School-Level Policies for Title I Schools" below. (20 USC 6318)


School-Level Policies for Title I Schools


At each school receiving Title I funds, a written policy on parent/guardian and family engagement shall be developed jointly with the parents/guardians and family members of participating students. The school policy shall describe the means by which the school will: (20 USC 6318) 

1.     Convene an annual meeting, at a convenient time, to which all parents/guardians of participating students shall be invited and encouraged to attend, in order to inform parents/guardians of their school's participation in Title I and to explain Title I requirements and the right of parents/guardians to be involved


2.     Offer a flexible number of meetings, such as meetings in the morning or evening, for which related transportation, child care, and/or home visits may be provided as such services relate to parent/guardian involvement



3.     Involve parents/guardians in an organized, ongoing, and timely way in the planning, review, and improvement of Title I programs, including the planning, review, and improvement of the school's parent/guardian and family engagement policy and, if applicable, the joint development of the plan for schoolwide programs pursuant to 20 USC 6314


The school may use an existing process for involving parents/guardians in the joint planning and design of the school's programs provided that the process includes adequate representation of parents/guardians of participating students.


4.     Provide the parents/guardians of participating students all of the following:


a.     Timely information about Title I programs


b.     A description and explanation of the school's curriculum, forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress, and the achievement levels of the state academic standards


c.     If requested by parents/guardians, opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions related to their children's education. The district shall respond to any such suggestions as soon as practicably possible.


5.     If the schoolwide program plan is not satisfactory to the parents/guardians of participating students, submit any parent/guardian comments when the school makes the plan available to the district



6.     Jointly develop with the parents/guardians of participating students a school-parent compact that outlines how parents/guardians, the entire school staff, and students will share responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents/guardians will build a partnership to help students achieve state standards


This compact shall address:


a.     The school's responsibility to provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables participating students to achieve the state's challenging academic achievement standards


b.     Ways in which parents/guardians will be responsible for supporting their children's learning, volunteering in the classroom, and participating, as appropriate, in decisions related to their children's education and the positive use of extracurricular time


c.     The importance of communication between teachers and parents/guardians on an ongoing basis through, at a minimum:


i.            Parent-teacher conferences in elementary schools, at least annually, during which the compact shall be discussed as it relates to the student's achievement


ii.           Frequent reports to parents/guardians on their children's progress


iii.         Reasonable access to staff, opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child's classroom, and observation of classroom activities


iv.          Regular two-way, meaningful communication between family members and school staff, and, to the extent practicable, in a language that family members can understand


7.     Promote the effective involvement of parents/guardians and support a partnership among the school, parents/guardians, and the community to improve student achievement through the following actions:


a.     Assist parents/guardians in understanding such topics as the state academic standards, state and local academic assessments, the requirements of Title I, and how to monitor a child's progress and work with educators to improve the achievement of their children


b.     Provide parents/guardians with materials and training, such as literacy training and using technology (including education about the harms of copyright piracy), as appropriate, to help them work with their children to improve their children's achievement


c.     With the assistance of parents/guardians, educate teachers, specialized instructional support personnel, principals and other school leaders, and other staff, in the value and utility of parent/guardian contributions and in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents/guardians as equal partners, implement and coordinate parent/guardian programs, and build ties between parents/guardians and the schools


d.     To the extent feasible and appropriate, coordinate and integrate parent/guardian involvement programs and activities with other federal, state, and local programs, including public preschool programs, and conduct other activities, such as parent resource centers, that encourage and support parents/guardians in fully participating in their children's education


e.     Ensure that information related to school and parent/guardian programs, meetings, and other activities is sent to the parents/guardians of participating students in a format and, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents/guardians can understand


f.      Provide other such reasonable support for parent/guardian involvement activities as parents/guardians may request


In addition, the school plan may include strategies to:


a.           Involve parents/guardians in the development of training for teachers, principals, and other educators to improve the effectiveness of such training


b.           Provide necessary literacy training, using Title I funds if the district has exhausted all other reasonably available sources of funding for such training


c.           Pay reasonable and necessary expenses associated with parent/guardian involvement activities, including transportation and child care costs, to enable parents/guardians to participate in school-related meetings and training sessions


d.           Train parents/guardians to enhance the involvement of other parents/guardians


e.           Arrange school meetings at a variety of times or, when parents/guardians are unable to attend such conferences, conduct in-home conferences between parents/guardians and teachers or other educators who work directly with participating students, in order to maximize parent/guardian involvement and participation


f.            Adopt and implement model approaches to improving parent/guardian involvement


g.           Establish a parent advisory council to provide advice on all matters related to parent/guardian involvement in Title I programs


h.           Develop appropriate roles for community-based organizations and businesses in parent/guardian involvement activities


i.            Make referrals to community agencies and organizations that offer literacy training, parent/guardian education programs, and/or other services that help to improve the conditions of parents/guardians and families


j.            Provide a master calendar of district/school activities and meetings


k.           Provide information about opportunities for parent/guardian and family engagement through the district newsletter, web site, or other written or electronic means


l.            Engage parent-teacher organizations to actively seek out and involve parents/guardians through regular communication updates and information sessions


m.         To the extent practicable, provide translation services at school sites and at meetings involving parents/guardians and family members as needed


n.           Provide training and information to members of district and school site councils and advisory committees to help them fulfill their functions


o.           Provide ongoing workshops to assist school site staff, parents/guardians, and family members in planning and implementing improvement strategies, and seek their input in developing the workshops


p.           Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of staff development activities related to parent/guardian and family engagement


q.           Include expectations for parent/guardian outreach and involvement in staff job descriptions and evaluations


2. To the extent practicable, provide opportunities for the informed participation of parents/guardians and family members (including parents/guardians and family members with limited English proficiency, parents/guardians and family members with disabilities, and parents/guardians and family members of migrant children), including providing information and school reports required under 20 USC 6311(h) in a format and language such parents/guardians can understand

If the school has a parent involvement policy that applies to all parents/guardians, it may amend that policy to meet the above requirements. (20 USC 6318)


Each school receiving Title I funds shall annually evaluate the effectiveness of its parent/guardian and family engagement policy. Such evaluation may be conducted during the process of reviewing the school plan for student achievement in accordance with Education Code 64001.


The school's policy shall be periodically updated to meet the changing needs of parents/guardians and the school. (20 USC 6318)


District Strategies for Non-Title I Schools


For each school that does not receive federal Title I funds, the Superintendent or designee shall, at a minimum: 

1.     Engage parents/guardians and family members positively in their children's education by providing assistance and training on topics such as state academic standards and assessments to increase their knowledge and skills to use at home to support their children's academic efforts at school and their children's development as responsible members of society (Education Code 11502, 11504)


The Superintendent or designee may:


a.     Provide or make referrals to literacy training and/or parent education programs designed to improve the skills of parents/guardians and enhance their ability to support their children's education


b.     Provide information, in parent handbooks and through other appropriate means, regarding academic expectations and resources to assist with the subject matter


c.     Provide parents/guardians with information about students' class assignments and homework assignments


2.     Inform parents/guardians that they can directly affect the success of their children's learning, by providing them with techniques and strategies that they may use to improve their children's academic success and to assist their children in learning at home (Education Code 11502, 11504)


The Superintendent or designee may:


a.     Provide parents/guardians with information regarding ways to create an effective study environment for their children at home and to encourage good study habits


b.     Encourage parents/guardians to monitor their children's school attendance, homework completion, and television viewing


c.     Encourage parents/guardians to volunteer in their child's classroom and to participate in school advisory committees


3.     Build consistent and effective two-way communication between the home and school so that parents/guardians and family members may know when and how to assist their children in support of classroom learning activities (Education Code 11502, 11504)


The Superintendent or designee may:


a.     Ensure that teachers provide frequent reports to parents/guardians on their children's progress and hold parent-teacher conferences at least once per year with parents/guardians of elementary school students


b.     Provide opportunities for parents/guardians to observe classroom activities and to volunteer in their child's classroom


c.     Provide information about parent/guardian and family engagement opportunities through district, school, and/or class newsletters, the district's web site, and other written or electronic communications


d.     To the extent practicable, provide notices and information to parents/guardians in a format and language they can understand


e.     Develop mechanisms to encourage parent/guardian input on district and school issues


f.      Identify barriers to parent/guardian and family participation in school activities, including parents/guardians and family members who are economically disadvantaged, are disabled, have limited English proficiency, have limited literacy, or are of any racial or ethnic minority background


g.     Encourage greater parent/guardian participation by adjusting meeting schedules to accommodate parent/guardian needs and, to the extent practicable, by providing translation or interpreter services, transportation, and/or child care


4.     Train teachers, administrators, specialized instructional support personnel, and other staff to communicate effectively with parents/guardians as equal partners (Education Code 11502, 11504)


The Superintendent or designee may:


a.     Provide staff development to assist staff in strengthening two-way communications with parents/guardians, including parents/guardians who have limited English proficiency or limited literacy


b.     Invite input from parents/guardians regarding the content of staff development activities pertaining to home-school communications


5.     Integrate and coordinate parent/guardian and family engagement activities within the LCAP with other activities


The Superintendent or designee may:


a.     Include parent/guardian and family engagement strategies in school reform or school improvement initiatives


b.     Involve parents/guardians and family members in school planning processes


Policy Reference Disclaimer:

These references are not intended to be part of the policy itself, nor do they indicate the basis or authority for the board to enact this policy. Instead, they are provided as additional resources for those interested in the subject matter of the policy.  

Legal References:


State Code

5 CCR 18275 Child care and development programs; parent involvement and education Education Code:

Ed. Code 11500-11505 Programs to encourage parent involvement

Ed. Code 48985 Notices to parents in language other than English

Ed. Code 51101 Parents Rights Act of 2002

Ed. Code 52060-52077 Local control and accountability plan

Ed. Code 54444.1-54444.2 Parent advisory councils; services to migrant children

Ed. Code 56190-56194 Community advisory committee; special education

Ed. Code 64001 School plan for student achievement; consolidated application programs Lab. Code 230.8 Time off to visit child's school

Federal Code

20 USC 6311 State plan

20 USC 6312 Local educational agency plan

20 USC 6314 Schoolwide programs

20 USC 6318 Parent and family engagement

20 USC 6631 Teacher and school leader incentive program; purposes and definitions

28 CFR 35.104 Definitions, auxiliary aids and services

28 CFR 35.160 Effective communications for individuals with disabilities

Management Resources 

California Department of Education Publication Family Engagement Framework: A Tool for California School Districts, 2014

California Department of Education Publication Title I School-Level Parental Involvement Policy

U.S. Department of Education Publication Parental Involvement:  Title I, Part A, Non-Regulatory Guidance, April 23, 2004

Website CSBA District and County Office of Education Legal Services

Website California Department of Education, Family, School, Community Partnerships

Website California Parent Center

Website California State Parent Teacher Association

Website CSBA

Website National PTA

Website Parent Information and Resource Centers

Website Parents as Teachers National Center

Website U.S. Department of Education

Cross References

0000 Vision

0100 Philosophy

0400 Comprehensive Plans

0410 Nondiscrimination In District Programs And Activities

0420 School Plans/Site Councils

0430 Comprehensive Local Plan For Special Education

0450 Comprehensive Safety Plan

0460 Local Control And Accountability Plan

0470 COVID-19 Mitigation Plan

0500 Accountability

1000 Concepts And Roles

1100 Communication With The Public

1113 District And School Websites

1113-E(1) District And School Websites

1114 District-Sponsored Social Media

1220 Citizen Advisory Committees

1230 School-Connected Organizations

1240 Volunteer Assistance

1250 Visitors/Outsiders

1260 Educational Foundation

1400 Relations Between Other Governmental Agencies And The Schools

1700 Relations Between Private Industry And The Schools

2230 Representative And Deliberative Groups

3100 Budget

3231 Impact Aid

3280 Sale Or Lease Of District-Owned Real Property

4115 Evaluation/Supervision

4131 Staff Development

4215 Evaluation/Supervision

4315 Evaluation/Supervision

4331 Staff Development

5020 Parent Rights And Responsibilities

5030 Student Wellness

5113  Absences And Excuses

5113.1 Chronic Absence And Truancy

5121 Grades/Evaluation Of Student Achievement

5123 Promotion/Acceleration/Retention

5141.22 Infectious Diseases

5142.2 Safe Routes To School Program

5145.6 Parent/Guardian Notifications

5145.6-E(1) Parent/Guardian Notifications

5148  Child Care And Development

5148.2  Before/After School Programs

5148.3  Preschool/Early Childhood Education

6000 Concepts And Roles

6011 Academic Standards

6120 Response To Instruction And Intervention

6142.6 Visual And Performing Arts Education

6142.8 Comprehensive Health Education

6145 Extracurricular And Cocurricular Activities

6146.11 Alternative Credits Toward Graduation

6154 Homework/Makeup Work

6161.1 Selection And Evaluation Of Instructional Materials

6161.1-E(1) Selection And Evaluation Of Instructional Materials

6162.5 Student Assessment

6162.51 State Academic Achievement Tests

6164.5 Student Success Teams

6170.1 Transitional Kindergarten

6171  Title I Programs

6172  Gifted And Talented Student Program

6173.1  Education For Foster Youth

6173.2  Education Of Children Of Military Families

6173.4 Education For American Indian Students

6174  Education For English Learners

6175  Migrant Education Program

6177  Summer Learning Programs

6178  Career Technical Education

6178.1 Work-Based Learning 6184 Continuation Education

9200 Limits Of Board Member Authority

9310 Board Policies


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