Supts eNews - Feb 11, 2022


In this edition ...

  • 2022-23 school year calendar
  • Board meeting review: Monta Loma Field, Health and Wellness, English Learners
  • COVID update: February break tests, elementary positive case notifications and masks
  • Video: Connecting with the MVWSD Board of Trustees
  • Parcel Tax Oversight Committee seeks community representatives
  • Connecting with MVWSD: Upcoming meetings
  • Parent Involvement Board Policy
2022-23 school year calendar
Board meeting review: Monta Loma Field, Health and Wellness, English Learners

The Board of Trustees met on Thursday night. Here are the highlights.

Monta Loma Field and Site Improvements Project update:
MVWSD and the City are working together with Carducci Associates to develop and guide the design process for the Monta Loma Outdoor Improvements Project with community input. The majority of the Board gave staff guidance to make this project part of a larger conversation about how to handle school growth across the District. Staff will be examining long-term needs with consideration for how this site can better serve MVWSD, the city and residents as the city grows.

   Give your input: Community meeting B
   Wednesday, February 16 at 6 pm and Saturday, February 19 at 10 am (repeat)
   On Zoom

For more details, access to past meeting materials, data, current surveys, and for upcoming meeting dates, please see

Health & Wellness Survey update: Staff presented results of the Health and Wellness survey that students, staff and parents took this winter. The next steps are to develop a plan of action using the data, while continuing to seek further input from stakeholders and the H&W committee. The next report to the Board is in June. To view the presentation, click here.

English Learner Reclassification overview and update: Distance learning challenges disproportionately affected English Learners, according to staff’s report. Next steps include more training and support for educators, and deeper data analysis to focus on specific EL needs and best practices that can be replicated in other schools. To view the presentation, click here.

COVID update: February break tests, elementary positive case notifications and masks

COVID self testParents will get at-home COVID test kits, and should test their students on February 27, before returning to school on Monday, February 28. MVWSD will be handing out at-home rapid antigen test kits for all students and staff members next week before the start of February break. This is an additional safeguard in addition to continued masking, and ventilation. Look for kits to come home from your school February 16–18.


covid noticeMVWSD has reinstated positive case close contact notifications for elementary school parents only. Now that the January COVID surge is tapering, when a student is found positive after the PCR pool test and the follow up rapid antigen test, parents and students who are members of the positive pool will receive a letter by email. Due to volume and contact tracing for six periods a day, we are not able to reinstate close contact notifications for middle school students.


maskState health orders will continue to require universal indoor masking in many settings after February 16th, including all K-12 schools. MVWSD will continue with universal masking both indoors and outdoors. The County of Santa Clara Public Health Department announced that it will not lift local indoor masking requirements when the State lifts its indoor masking requirement on February 16. Instead, Santa Clara County will continue to base decisions on whether and when to lift indoor masking requirements on the risks posed by COVID-19, using clearly defined metrics related to vaccination, hospitalizations, and COVID-19 case rates.

For more details, visit For what to do if your child is exposed to COVID, click here.


Video: Connecting with the MVWSD Board of Trustees
Have you wondered about our Board of Trustees; who they are, what they do and how you can share your ideas with them? You can learn more in this video.
Parcel Tax Oversight Committee seeks community representatives

MVWSD needs your volunteerism and time. Please consider serving on the Parcel Tax Oversight Committee for the Measure B Parcel Tax.

The District is seeking individuals to monitor, provide oversight, and ensure accountability to the funds received by the District, including an annual report to the Board regarding the actual uses of such funds.

Applications can be mailed to: Mountain View Whisman School District, Attn: Dr. Rebecca Westover, Chief Business Officer, 1400 Montecito Ave, Mountain View, CA 94043 or emailed to [email protected]. Application:

Questions? Please e-mail Dr. Rebecca Westover, Chief Business Officer, at [email protected].

Connecting with MVWSD: Upcoming meetings

Online, informal check-ins with Dr. Rudolph are ongoing. Please join us at an upcoming meeting or view recordings of meetings you missed at this webpage.

Cafecito con el Superintendente
These are informal meetings for Spanish-speaking parents. Translation will be provided.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022⋅5:30 – 6:30pm
Click here to register

Wednesday, June 15, 2022⋅5:30 – 6:30pm
Click here to register

Community Check Ins with the Superintendent

Friday, March 11 at 3:30 PM
Click here to register

Friday, March 25 at 3:30 PM
Click here to register

Friday, April 8 at 3:30 PM
Click here to register

Parent Involvement Board Policy

Families, thank you for your engagement and involvement with our schools. Our sustained partnership is a big part of our continuous improvement as a district. Per California Department of Education guidelines, here for your review is the most recently updated version of our Board Policy on Parent Involvement. Any questions should be directed to Geoff Chang, Director of Federal, State, and Strategic Programs ([email protected]).

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