District climate survey results 2018-19

2018-19 climate survey results website
Climate survey presentation to the Board of Trustees, Jan. 24, 2019 (en español)

The MVWSD Climate Survey was taken by all staff, parents and students in grades 5 and 7 in fall 2018. It provides information beyond test scores that helps us improve our schools. Thank you for your participation.

Additionally, students in grades 6 and 8 participated in a social-emotional survey that will be used by the District's Health and Wellness Committee to plan programs and supports for students' emotional health.

This survey was administered online through Panorama Education using nationally benchmarked questions. Your answers to the survey are confidential and compiled and analyzed by Panorama, a third party. Personal results are not identifiable.

In addition to completing LCAP requirements, the data will help inform work on the District's strategic plan goals and provide longitudinal data for year-to year comparisons. The questions are drawn from an archive of research-based questions in broad theme areas of engagement, instruction, school safety and school environment. We asked students, parents and staff members about their impressions of our District sites. This is a great opportunity for us to get feedback and continue to work together to improve our schools.

Significant increases from last year:
* Teacher/Student school climate perceptions
* District Office and teacher feedback and coaching
* Teacher professional learning opportunities
* Teacher-School leadership

Significant decreases from last year:
* District Office climate perceptions
* Parent perceptions of safety
* Staff feedback and coaching and staff professional learning

Student results
* Respected at school  88%
* Unlikely to be bullied online  87%
* Teachers are encouraging  80%

* Behaviors of other students affects others' learning  38%
* Feeling connected to other adults  33%
* People are disrespectful to others 33%

Families results
* Drugs are not a problem at school  95%
* Schools communicate well with people from other cultures  94%
* School is welcoming to parents  91%

* Parents don't meet with teachers at school  32%
* Parents are not involved with parent groups at school  31%
* Parents are not involved in fundraising efforts at school 28%

Staff results
* Confident that school leaders have best interest of students in mind  87%
* School leaders are respectful toward staff  85%
* Staff and students have  respectful relationships  83%

* Staff does not learn from the evaluation process  36%
* Professional development does not help staff explore new ideas  36%  
* Staff does not receive much feedback on their work  33%

Teacher results
* School leaders are respectful toward teachers  85%
* Teachers and students have respectful relationships 84%
* Teachers are confident that school leaders have the best interest of the students in mind  84%

* Teachers are not confident they can help the most challenging students learn 45%
* Teachers do not learn much for the evaluation processes  41%
* Teachers not confident they can move through material at a pace that works well for all students  41%

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